I'm running an all out tank army. I rally in strategic areas so atgs kill a couple of my awesome Hellenics;-] I usually kill all the defenses with a 2-4 tank loss by doing this method. I never realized an all out tank army could be so destructive lol. If it weren't for having to make two laps...
So how long before the dock,,,,,, I'm sorry, SHIPYARD will be updated? I'm just curious if I will find it worthy to leave the crown expeditions behind.
Here is an idea, keep the gameplay available to do basically what we as gamers want. Build what we want, upgrade what we want without being penalized or made to do what you want Nexy. When you tighten the noose to where I can only go down the 1 path like Mario, I'm done point blank. I feel...
OMFG! They lengthened the level 1 & 2 dock times! What? Enticement to upgrade? Hell everyone but me has them upgraded! Truth be told the majority of this game upgrades their docks! I rarely see them in attacks not upgraded.
Why haven't I upgraded you ask? Crowns! There are no crowns after level...
I thought y'all were going to fix or have fixed this in the past? I'm still having to manually adjust the time balance to retrain troops after attacks. Out of 3 barracks, 1 is always 10 minutes shorter than the other 2.
Come on guys, y'all do know what your doing I hope 0.0
Then again, if the cause of the no matching war scenario is from the war ranking fix along side the beta test, take that junk down now! Glory be in the wars and bhg is robbing us of it!!!
Can the beta test be extended into next month? I would LOVE to get a chance to see all this wonderful stuff!! At current we've for some reasons unknown been searching for an opponent since this crap went live,, what gives?!
I'm guessing that once its taken down, we'll instantly get a match...
My connection is just fine! Hell I created this thread correct? I can google as well as study wikia DomiNations. I've even checked out youtube yet I can't log into the game?
Hey BHG, how bout checking your damn connection!!!!
Search out ProdigalThieves on the alliance leader boards, we're in the 50s atm. Find me in the roster and view my base, it does quite well for me Wolf ;-]
I built and capped it early, like the third new structure once EA. Refinery was my 1st task then. My main purpose of wanting the factory was it's troop space, 2nd purpose was it was another time consuming building attackers need to destroy in war.
Learning how to see the structure of a base in 'grid' form does wonders to your attack knowledge. Knowing the ranges of these buildings can be important in a war attack where ☆s matter. Thanx Kraitok for sharing ;-]
On a side note, I tap a building on my base and slightly move it. When it shows...
Then why do I only draw medal droppers with the occasional treaty attack once every other week? When that treaty hit comes, its when I am near max storages and its a high level Industrial that gets it. Point being, I'm not raided as much cause my base is comprised of stout leveled stuffs.