Once we had this guy that entered our ally, level 400+ everything maxed, said he was on his way to Ares but passed by our ally for a couple days. When he quit, to say thank you of our hospitality he said he was going to do a good donation in parlament. When we see the next day 23000 points...
I didnt get the artefact for 300 crowns, but very well said, to fix a major bug takes weeks, but to roll back a mistake they made (that makes them lose money) it takes 2-3 days. Lol really bunch of clowns
For me its a disaster, any retrain i loose all the troops, went from attacking 10-15 a day to 2 or 3...game is unplayable for me right now ans they are taking forever to fix it, im fed up
These BHG guys everytime they come out with something new they causing more problems...useless triumph leaderboard lead to lower x3 the peace treaty time (great idea 🙄)...and that brings more problems than ever. Just accept that you guys didnt think well with this triumph s*it and reverse...
Just wanted to share with you guys what happened last week in our ally. So theres this guy (not going to say his name) comes in lvl 402, he saying that he was the leader of a top 10 ally that closed and now was on his way to Ares (#1 ally in the game). He said he had to wait for the event to end...