• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. K

    Signup failure

    Ayo Leviathan TheWise , give us info on the signup failure with twitter. Players using twitter linkage in the Asian version are still unable to signup since the 9.1 update.
  2. K

    Dominations is not available in Google play store

    TinSoldier game application shows 'you can use update', but i can't do update from google play store. (Japan, android)
  3. K

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    agree i guess war weight is not important for fair matches. Matching system needs "age weight".
  4. K

    Event cheaters again

    no one would want to spend their money if they watch this video :(
  5. K

    The community wants rollbacks and time bans for cheaters

    i guess BHG can easily investigate how many workers are active in player's bases, but BHG does not seem to do this for years. why?
  6. K

    Thunder of Cannons Event

    Anyway, if you got 1st position in your group at the event, you just got the boring reward.
  7. K

    Not much to ask for

    if we can use free video troop retrain, none of us want to be Vip 3. that's a terrible for BHG :p
  8. K

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    Just try a matching system that completely depends on "glory", like other games with rank system. Current matching system using "weight" would not work well.
  9. K

    VIP system is not legit in many countries

    items people want to buy have not VIP points. items people don't want to buy have VIP points. lol
  10. K

    Free oil for all for ever !!!!

    OILOILOIL! ther are still such people? :( re-consider your troops...you would easily earn oil. my GA account that uses heavy tanks usually earn 80k~100k oil per hour.