• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. G

    More cheats.

    Nerisburcu is back at 18 houses. So in a week of reporting he has had excess houses removed, but no action was taken on his extra mortar, th embassy of buildings upgrading nor progressing 11 levels in 3 or 4 days. And he isn’t the only one doing similar in the alliance Konya42
  2. G

    More cheats.

    It’s frustrating, what starts as straight forward identifying suspicious behaviour is now about Nexon attitude and tacit support of it.
  3. G

    More cheats.

    Nerisburcu is now up to 13 houses again! Nexon, you’re not covering yourselves in glory!
  4. G

    More cheats.

    Fatih is another with “suspicious behaviour” in konya42. He had 15+ houses, then 8, now 9. He currently has 17 buildings x most requiring 4 workers upgrading. Still Nexon are doing nothing.
  5. G

    More cheats.

    Today he has 9 houses, two of which overlap other buildings. Other in the alliance are active again, and their activity is suspicious with far ore upgrades proceeding than ought.
  6. G

    More cheats.

    I sent you details directly and wondering if there is an update! I checked the offending alliance today and found that since Monday; Nerisburcu has progressed from level 106 to level 117, redesigned His base, still with 5 mortars, thankfully he only has 8 houses now - not the 20+ at beginning...
  7. G

    More cheats.

    Sorry simply not letting me upload screenshots of one of the base before and after reporting to Nexon
  8. G

    More cheats.

    Pre reporting
  9. G

    More cheats.

    i know some are yawning already. This has been reported to Customer Serivces in game. came across one member of this alliance with many more houses that ought to have, the alliance is konya42 Checked the alliance and found several more with the same cheat. They also have more other building...
  10. G

    Tactical Helicopter

    The much lorded changes in settings for this weapon does not seem to have worked. People are realising that it does not need to reach its target to drop troops on it. My defences have shot down every single one before it gets to my oil refinery, but the troops are still deployed, getting the oil!
  11. G

    Upgrade special offers

    For a while Nexon publicised in advance upgrade cost reductions on Twitter and Facebook. Is there any chance these notices will return, they were helpful in planning
  12. G

    Alliance inbox (not general chat)

    I don’t know whether there has been a change, or I have a glitch. At the moment I can only see 7 messages in the alliances inbox ( the one where leaders leave messages that are supposed to stick!). 2 of these are old Nixon messages, 3 from another alliance (#@.!) and the remaining 3 are the...
  13. G

    Looking for active alliance

    Hi, try a new alliance, we are CloaknDagger, our leader is Dusty. While still in out infancy we already have 24 members, and war regularly, quickly gaining war perks. donations a high, and quickly filled. Players are mainly lvl 150 to 225 with few 80+. We are from N America, UK and Aus. if...
  14. G


    We are at 18 stable members now. We would like to invite another alliance or part to merge with us. Players level 70(ish) plus, who join chat, and donate/request.
  15. G


    We are growing and won our first war. Pay us a visit, you will be made very welcome
  16. G


    we are a new alliance of friendly people, mainly from U.K. & US. Looking for new members. We have a healthy mix of fun and competitiveness. We haven't got a war track record yet, but our past was very good, we want to war a couple of times a week (participation wholly voluntary). We are...
  17. G

    Unlimited night witches?

    We have several long term players "retire" while this bug exists. They are well over lvl 220 and paid into game to get there. Nexon this is costing you in the pocket, i think they are unlikely to return! And the longer it goes on the more will disappear - me included
  18. G

    Night witches - get rid of them - killing the point of trying to upgrade

    This glitch is sending several long term players into the long grass. Had 240, 224 levels and today a 223 level player all give up "temporarilly", until this is fixed. They have invested in the game to get to where they are, but cannot get the oil to move forward now. Come on Nexon pull your...
  19. G

    Strategies of War! v5.3

    Is there any news of likely date when this will happen?
  20. G


    We are still keen to welcome new members or consider mergers