Yes, he should be aware of that, but it should not matter if he upgrades the offensives. These will be on the same level as anyone at the same position regardless of his defense. Smashed or smashed hard doesn't really matter :)
I think it depends how much you play. If you are in GP and play a lot, I say complete the army upgrades and advance. Then in EA, upgrade troops and all oil upgrades. Get Training blessing and then advance to IA for airstrip and maxed troops. Then you have plenty of time to catch up.
If you play...
Incredible, it happened again! I started the upgrade for supply truck for 7M food 1h before event started!
Not a very big deal, but I could have used the 1.75M discount savings for something else.
Astero, activation or deactivation of generals does not affect ww defense. You will have your best general defending on every defense, unless it is unavailable due to upgrade I think. Your second best general will also defend your town if you have researched leadership lvl 3 in your library...
I can buy that argumentation even if I don't like it. But then they should restore the resources stolen too. If you can not lose medals, you should get no loot!
I don't agree and think this is a bad idea. I would of course want more workers for myself, but then all other players could spend the resources very easily on yet another building. I think it is well balanced and that there is little enough resources to steal. :)
I love the Retrain button after fights, but I always have to rearrange the troops in every barrack anyway because the first barrack has all troops ready 10 minutes before the others... Why is it programmed this way?
When a reduced building cost event starts a heads up would be nice. E.g. "Event start in two days and will last until..." Instead of starting directly on notification message. It feels like you have to be lucky to have free workers available. Consider this for future events please!
This would help in the beginning but who would want this nation in the IA? Caravans and farms are negligible, if I started over from the beginning I would not even bother to build them!
I totally agree with Heisenberg1913! This event is not giving anything for an IA player. Especially as I only had 2 workers for the next three days when I built it!
Why did they have to put gold in it? That must be the reason for the 8h prospect... Better to have only diamonds an one per hour...
We do not need another game ruined by advertising pop-ups thank you! I think it is sufficient and great that crowns are received by completing missions and killing attackers while defending.
Yes, I tried this, but you have to use the sabotage early, since the donated alliance troops does have no spawning time. It would be more fair if the donated troops came out at the same time as the Tc defenders... Does the cannons even more OP as defense :)
I believe it is awesome. Use it together with airplane to slow towers down or sabotage them first. you need to calculate the direction thoroughly to not waste it! Sometimes it will sail from the other side of the map and be shot down... Castles, towers and redoubt can fire at air units. Support...
Sabotage does not inflict damage, it only prevent the castle from spawning generals and shooting at you. Don't mix together the tactic sabotage with the factory troop saboteur! :) sounds like that is causing the confusion!
I'm not sure I agree, since it would be hard to start a new war right away, but as an alliance leader option to clear war participants could be nice.
Alliance leader force opt in is more urgent! To be able to start a 20 war even if 19 is cleared for war instead of pass 4 players. 1-3 inactive...
Thanks! I was thinking Brandenburg Gate was the obvious choice of wonder. Damage boost for HT and an extra offensive tactic for ww. But 20% on Zeppelin 10k damage is tempting. I have to consider this choice once more :)