• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Z

    New update removes players from alliances and deletes alliances

    Just think of all these free ‘premium councillors’ we are gonna get by way of apology 😂😂😂
  2. Z

    New update removes players from alliances and deletes alliances

    I managed to get in just now, but alliance gone
  3. Z

    Another log in issue

    Sadly this is expected. Poorly tested, poorly executed and no warning or backout plan. Oh well, at least I avoid watching 15000 defenders spawning simultaneously whilst my troops head for the nearest bastion to play around in. Update, just managed to in to find my alliance has gone. Just gets...
  4. Z

    DomiNations Update 12.14 - Tournament of Glory

    Replacing with ‘premium recruitment’… are you serious ? You took something good, especially for new players, and you giving us ‘premium recruitment’. For the love of god stop it. At least increase the % and reduce the ratios. I just churned 400 councillors and got 2 (two) epics. Complete waste...
  5. Z

    DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level

    Oi, leave Miley alone :) I agree your point, it is about the climb but when there is no summit and a never ending wall of defenders coming every 2 secs you get to the point of just sticking an instant retrain on, go for 3* and the manufactory supplies and then just end the battle. no point in...
  6. Z

    DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level

    You got to be absolutely joking right ? Seriously I had to re-read that 5 times. Defense way way way over powered and unbalanced. Pointless attacking anything. And nothing to do with bastions or barb.
  7. Z

    DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level

    Well that’s the game screwed for me and many others, simply no point in trying for 5*. Offensive side of this game is completely unbalanced. Wars are ridiculous as it’s all about trying to get 1-3 * of an auto 3d. Unless you cheat of course. No point in playing.
  8. Z

    May Legendary Calendar

    Wow. ‘Levelling the playing field too much’. Never heard such tosh. I have also been speaking to other dedicated players who think it’s a fantastic thing and they are ‘back to playing’ rather than getting humped all the time. I am a 450+ and have grinded my way through but am not bitching...
  9. Z

    Season 5 - Battle Surveillance

    Wow. Those offensive ‘buffs’ really make me want to start attacking again. What a crocc of &@£!
  10. Z

    DomiNations Update 11.13 - Defenders and Queen Seondeok

    Well said. just been discussing in alliance. defence made even easier with the way everything just goes back and forwards in a bastion. No fun in offence whatsoever. The over whelming feeling is basically f*ck it and go back to clash.
  11. Z

    DomiNations Update 11.11 - Museum Updates

    I dread to think what the definition of ‘quality of life’ is with bhg. fix the speedups so ‘people can war’ and yet you screw up alliance donations so people cant war could you actually release something that doesnt screw up some other important aspect of game play. What a crock of…
  12. Z

    DomiNations Update 11.10 - New Drone Age Upgrades

    Got to agree here. Upgraded to 13 when it came out. Big mistake. Wont be going 14 as the rewards are completely useless for drone age.
  13. Z

    Coming Soon - Temporary Artifacts

    Hahahahahahahahahaha. Absolutely zero truth in this. Nobody will be able to utilize any of the ‘most powerful’ artefacts without spending. you deleted my previous comment which said the same as everyone else on this. read the room. Players dont want this. Its just pure greed.
  14. Z

    Coming Soon - Temporary Artifacts

    More cr*p to sell. So, the free stuff will be cr*p. ( raiders +10% and all that) and the rest will just be more pay to win. Bad idea for players but when do you ever listen to players.
  15. Z

    DomiNations 8th Anniversary - New Horizons

    Sooo, loads of stuff to buy, at ridiculous prices no doubt amd only those few things listed at the end under ‘additional bonuses’ available for normal players and n0t those who think pay to win is the only way. I would love to buy some of this stuff but my wallet is stuck in my heavy tank that...
  16. Z

    Help with Museum strategy

    Why craft anything to be honest. You cant tell if you actually get the % increase You will never get anything that you can actually use all 5 lines to any benefit. The game is sooooo defensive that +11 HT damage is actually pointless when it just plods back and forth thru a bastion to a building...
  17. Z

    When “free” isn’t worth it.

    Some interesting and accurate observations there. This is the point where you get turned off the game because the variables are 'hidden' and your perception is that it 'isnt fair so why bother'. I think thats where a lot of us are and losing the will to play. I cant be bothered with the daily...
  18. Z

    Question: Do active players find the new Drone Command useful?

    Cant see the troop bar unless you are attacking, but yes you are correct. used it once in battle then ignored forever more. thanks!
  19. Z

    Game crashes after videos

    a good workaround is to not view the videos, at all, ever. lets face it it will be the usual zombie nonsense with poor acting and now cartoon nonsense. "ooh i got the legendary hero lucky"... so you have been telling me, at least 6 times a day, for 6 months!!! Not just that but the 'rewards' for...
  20. Z

    When “free” isn’t worth it.

    spot on. almost as useless as the drone cash cow building