• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. M

    Restoration of Expedition secondary reward - status / timeline

    Really missing the 24 hr peace treaty from the dock. As a result I’m medal dropping and no longer put money in the game as it’s not worth the effort. I am sure I’m not the only one. This was a bad move to exploit the museum which is a money pit.
  2. M

    So now the whole game is broken!

    I’m currently experiencing a long delay in logging in. Then circle of death. When that goes ..if you request alliance troops it goes to the alliance page. When you log out and I in you get the alliance troop request in chat ... showing empty with minus numbers. Then everything in chat is there...
  3. M


    Hate the fact we have lost the peace treaties and the like.
  4. M

    Expedition reward changes

    Please bring back the blessings ..especially 24hr peace treaties and medic
  5. M

    Expedition reward changes

    So no more peace treaties for 24 hrs or medic blessings or wall blessings.
  6. M

    The cheats are ruling the coop and nexon are inept to do anything about it

    A team mate was hit by a turkish player yesterday in normal battle .. no stars on replay .. 5 stars on record. Planes kept on re-spawning after being destroyed. He was told it was a replay problem. Do they think we are idiots??? This cheating has to stop and CS need to recognise there is a...
  7. M

    Vault issues after 6.2 update

    Me too ...looks like building level went down to 6. I too received 12600 and it is now 8400. It is not a visual bug!
  8. M

    “The Road to Better World War Matchmaking” aka Sandbagging!

    We are a diverse alliance and frankly after being hit time and time again with 1000 to 2 glory (we being the 2) any fun and interest in wars is evaporating. Spending resources even to do a battle is a no no when your opponent is 30 levels above you and got the match because they ensured the top...
  9. M

    Turk Warriors alliance is cheating!

    Well lots were banned and are back again in the same Alliance. Credibility is killing the game. Honest players are cheated by the likes of them and those who have not got the gumption to perma ban.
  10. M

    How to save Dominations

    In my honest opinion its the cheater / hackers - which shafts honest players. (500 crowns ... your having a laugh) - the sandbagging in wars resulting in imbalance so you get awful match ups .. win 1000 glory or lose 10. That wears people down .. who wants to war when you know your expected to...
  11. M

    Turk Warriors alliance is cheating!

    CevikKuvvet was the name of the player who attacked my friend except it has a squiggle under the C. Edit yep you guessed it ..it’s a replay error and the ticket is promptly closed. Never mind the fact that that this is a constant for this guild player. There is a cheat going on and it should...
  12. M

    Turk Warriors alliance is cheating!

    One of my Alliance got attacked today by one of them. A level 141 player industrial age with six planes. The did not touch the TC. Their army was destroyed by a silo. Replay shows nil stars ..they are given 4 stars and a win. He has been reported but I bet the "replays are not always accurate"...
  13. M


    I find the wall blessings 3 uses and peace treaty 24hrs useful. Also a good way to get National trade goods which are stored in resources. I get the bonus of gold, food & Oil as well. 23k of oil last time. Troop cards are a bit naff. Hardly ever do more than 24 hours. The higher your shipyard...
  14. M

    How is your luck with chest rewards?

    Very much a scam gambling box with the percentage going to the house. Anywhere else and they would be fined for fraud. You pay real money and get a very low level item. A real rip-off. Only get stuff you know you will receive. Trade goods ..your having a laugh ..you get those for free watching a...
  15. M

    War Matching REALLY Needs fixing

    It’s been like this for weeks. The latest one ...1082 if we win 12 if we loose. They are level 7 ...we are level 5. It’s demoralising. Why do we bother. Matchmaking is a bit of a joke.
  16. M

    Forest Junk

    Every time I open offers I see very briefly one entitled forest junk which is there for a nano second before it disappears. Is it meant to be visible ..is it an error?
  17. M

    Alliance level just dropped to 1

    Perks still at level 1 here ... we should be 6.... and nothing heard from support or on here. ...... Brightonia
  18. M

    Alliance level just dropped to 1

    We are level 6 on perks and it has been dropping to 1 ...returning to 6 and going back an forth all the time. People are having problems logging on as well. I think the servers are unwell. We are based in Europe.
  19. M

    Decoy Laaaaaaaaging

    With the advent of the Silo and the sheer numbers of tanks emerging using one Decoy turns the experience into a slide show. You cannot even select your army because the bar is static. I think you need to rethink things.
  20. M

    Poll: What changes would you like to see on the Missile Silo?

    I think they should reverse the changes they made to tactics .. put it back to where it was. At least you have a chance against a top level base with the silo. Currently people are sharking the lower levels which will drive away upcoming players who want to progress. It is killing the game for...