• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. B

    Second unique troop for all nations..

    Developers do have different types of troops with them like yumi samurai ,jaguar warriors,greek fire throwers,mongol orlocks,camel cataphract and many more..i think they should add these troops to each nation like one for each.i’m pretty sure it’ll add some spice to the game.thanks..
  2. B

    Base Editor frustration

    Yep..been experiencing the same issues for last couple of weeks..
  3. B

    Base Editor frustration

    Yep..been experiencing the same issues for last couple of weeks..
  4. B

    Alliance xp points already bugged

    Even if we lose the war we still earn xp?
  5. B

    Positive feedback..

    Ha ha true dat mate..
  6. B

    Positive feedback..

    I checked with mine and few other alliance members as well,they were all good so far. And yep it'd be fun if they added which troops we use and vice versa
  7. B

    Positive feedback..

    Today, 11:29 AM Beta version of war replays is absolutely remarkable and flawless..no matter how many bugs we encounter in other matters we should give the credit where its due..great work nexon dev keep it up..hope you guys will bring this as a permanent feature in the next update..cheers..
  8. B

    Positive feedback..

    Beta version of war replays is absolutely remarkable and flawless..no matter how many bugs we encounter in other matters we should give the credit where its due..great work nexon dev keep it up..hope you guys will bring this as a permanent feature in the next update..thanks
  9. B

    Day & night cycle

    Yes i know..this post should have been delayed until they fix the current bugs but just couldn't help it.how about adding day & night cycles according to utc time plus occasional weather changes like rain,snow,fog etc.. yes this might further compromise the current buggy situation of the game...
  10. B

    Day & night cycle

    Yep i know ..just want to infuse this idea to other minds
  11. B

    Day & night cycle

    Yes i know..this post should have been delayed until they fix the current bugs but just couldn't help it.how about adding day & night cycles according to utc time plus occasional weather changes like rain,snow,fog etc.. yes this might further compromise the current buggy situation of the game...
  12. B

    Friendly challenge

    So no talk of friendly challenges yet?.. typical reply from nexon is we're working on it and we do not have an ETA
  13. B

    Night witch event - army buildings

    So the night witches cannot get attacked by any of our defensive buildings?
  14. B

    War base rankings in world wars

    aquawind ELITE JAG thanks people
  15. B

    War base rankings in world wars

    How do u get ranked (war base ranking among the alliance)exactly in a world war? I'm IA lvl 118 but still i get a lower rank than some of my fellow mates- IA but lower levels than me. I've been battling with this problem for quite some time to come up higher but still on the same ranking.any...
  16. B

    March State of the Nations!

    Good to see that finally the game is evolving..looking forward to this exciting update
  17. B

    Next leader of the university

    You guys got any ideas about the next university leader, i'm just curious. According to the pic in coming soon it's all about aeroplanes right? Thanks
  18. B


    Really appreciate the advices of u guys which covered basically everything..thanks @ woodby 82 ,manifesto,navalis ,quovatis