• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. L

    Did they quietly slip in a change?

    Noticed that too - changed my layout already... interesting that it was not mentioned in any changelog.
  2. L

    Design Spotlight Questions! (August)

    This is where I lost it... I was suspicious starting with the first question. But really... noone can ask such questions... My guess: Some asian employee that has read too many hentai had to think of questions that are politically correct. Filled with some easy ones from asian forums... If you...
  3. L

    Game was fun... Training times... Nexon

    The same goes for the Turnover of Caravans and Farms - those need to be increased significant... So: 1. double the Turnover of Caravans/Farms 2. half the training time of troops / tactics 3. ??? 4. Profit
  4. L

    Suspicious walls / players

    so those are players, not bots? ;-) I have heard from a Chinese baby that never slept, but those are rare occasions, I don't think that all of them play dominations, right?
  5. L

    Do devs know about university workers bug? How to have extra workers ;)

    I would probably have not even noticed, but well, let's have fun with it while it lasts?
  6. L

    Banned for suspicious activity - what?

    Jwinn @H@rry .. any update ?
  7. L

    Update 4.5 Patch Notes

    Well done, nearly spilled my coffee reading this :-D Apart from that, I am also wondering what this upgrades to tanks mean... but I will wait until it happens ;-) A buff to the tanks is really appreciated.. that does take effect on the nation specials too, right? Still waiting for WW Replays...
  8. L

    Anti-tank gun tower not AI working

    this is genius ... not. what the hell are they doing with descriptions... this is insanely misleading.
  9. L

    Ten Bars Club

    wow, you guys are insane, thanks a bunch!
  10. L

    Ten Bars Club

    hummm, grats to all your ten bars... still waiting for my first :'(
  11. L

    XP for road upgrade (IA) is insane! +8 levels!

    Haven't really taken a look before upgrading... but now it makes sense I didn't jump several levels... thanks ;)
  12. L

    Anti-tank gun tower not AI working

    No he doesn't mean that.. but be carefull when watching replays, they are nowhere real... Anyway, I think he is kind of right... howitzers usually have the ability to outrange towers easily when they shouldn't... Same goes for the british archers...
  13. L

    Suspicious Player Activity NEEDS MODERATOR ATTENTION

    Obviously no actions were taken :-D
  14. L

    XP for road upgrade (IA) is insane! +8 levels!

    This always has been, and probably always will be the thing... I don't see much of a problem. But I noticed my global road update not being worth several levels.
  15. L

    Oil Shipments are a joke

    This is actually not the only text that is heavily misinterpreted/translated... They should really work on the wording - or the rewards they offer... When I open a 'gigantic' gold pile, I assume 'gigantic' rewards for it... but you guessed it: bummer... The only 'gigantic' thing here is the...
  16. L


    woot woot, another wild 'special offer victim' appears, seems like they are not as rare as we first thought.... did anyone else spot one meanwhile?
  17. L


    We found him, the one single person that is responsible for this repeated appearance of 'OFFERS'...
  18. L

    When are we finally going to admit that the British faction is overpowered?

    But it says "Trusted by Nexon" beneath my name ;-)
  19. L

    When are we finally going to admit that the British faction is overpowered?

    I can second the battle log consisting only of brits that defeat me completely. Other nations only go for TC sniping and leave...
  20. L

    Suspicious Player Activity NEEDS MODERATOR ATTENTION

    I will collect some when I come across them... usually I just skip them and won't bother much...