This is where I lost it... I was suspicious starting with the first question. But really... noone can ask such questions...
My guess:
Some asian employee that has read too many hentai had to think of questions that are politically correct. Filled with some easy ones from asian forums...
If you...
The same goes for the Turnover of Caravans and Farms - those need to be increased significant...
1. double the Turnover of Caravans/Farms
2. half the training time of troops / tactics
3. ???
4. Profit
so those are players, not bots? ;-)
I have heard from a Chinese baby that never slept, but those are rare occasions, I don't think that all of them play dominations, right?
Well done, nearly spilled my coffee reading this :-D
Apart from that, I am also wondering what this upgrades to tanks mean... but I will wait until it happens ;-)
A buff to the tanks is really appreciated.. that does take effect on the nation specials too, right?
Still waiting for WW Replays...
No he doesn't mean that.. but be carefull when watching replays, they are nowhere real...
Anyway, I think he is kind of right... howitzers usually have the ability to outrange towers easily when they shouldn't... Same goes for the british archers...
This always has been, and probably always will be the thing... I don't see much of a problem.
But I noticed my global road update not being worth several levels.
This is actually not the only text that is heavily misinterpreted/translated... They should really work on the wording - or the rewards they offer...
When I open a 'gigantic' gold pile, I assume 'gigantic' rewards for it... but you guessed it: bummer...
The only 'gigantic' thing here is the...