• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. M

    Has Dominations peaked and the company is now milking all they can get?

    Any advise on which similar game to spend time/money on in its place?
  2. M

    Elephant archer sale...guess nobody listens

    I have not spent money on this game in months. I used to only play this game and really no other games. I would play for hours a day. Not any more. Now I only play a few times a week and generally not for more than a few minutes at a time. Now, I only ever have enough resources for the...
  3. M

    Saw this on Discord

    We know that BHGs loves to communicate with us - "We love talking to our community, hearing what they want to do, and trying to accommodate them whenever possible. " - http://www.alistdaily.com/strategy/d...decade-beyond/ So tweet with Big Huge Games (not specific people at BGH) -...
  4. M

    100 crowns!

    We know that BHGs loves to communicate with us - "We love talking to our community, hearing what they want to do, and trying to accommodate them whenever possible. " - http://www.alistdaily.com/strategy/d...decade-beyond/ So tweet with Big Huge Games (not specific people at BGH) -...
  5. M

    Tim train CEO at BHG thinks dominations will last 10 years

    We know that BHGs loves to communicate with us - "We love talking to our community, hearing what they want to do, and trying to accommodate them whenever possible. " - http://www.alistdaily.com/strategy/d...decade-beyond/ So it seems tweeting with Big Huge Games (not specific people at BGH)...
  6. M

    Tim train CEO at BHG thinks dominations will last 10 years

    That may be mostly true, but Nexon M seems to think they can make money by getting players to play. If Tim does not follow the mission statement, then DomiNations may lose players and as a result, Nexon M loses money.
  7. M

    Tim train CEO at BHG thinks dominations will last 10 years

    Yes, the bugs need to fixed, but the bugs are at the technical level. As DomiNations project lead, there seems to be a need to remind him of the strategies set by the company he works for.
  8. M

    Tim train CEO at BHG thinks dominations will last 10 years

    "We love talking to our community, hearing what they want to do, and trying to accommodate them whenever possible. " If you're really listening, we'd like you to follow the Nexon M mission statement - "We believe in play-to-win, not pay-to-win." https://nexonm.com/about-us.html
  9. M

    'Check my connection' huh?

    Best damn game money can buy!!! Just can't keep a connection to it. :(
  10. M

    Why no communication from Nexon about the 5.5 glitch?

    Just a temporary minor technical glitch, their foot will be removed (hopefully amputation will not be required) via patching in a future version. Look for communications about patching from Nexon on the subject of their foot within this forum (might need to check for the communications on the...
  11. M

    Marco Polo Week #2

    On a weekly basis, this guy gets to invade, setup camp and attempt to rob me with those prices??? Why can't I kill him and take all his resources???
  12. M

    Marco Polo is here

    Bahhh... Why can't I kill him and take his stuff?!? He has invaded and setup camp!!! Time for him to die!!!!
  13. M

    Serveres down?

    Timing seems like it might be related to the Amazon cloud issue?
  14. M

    Battery Usage issue

    Love the game but I can't play for more than about 90 minutes on my Galaxy Note 10.1 2014. I can stream over 6 hours of videos. When I'm thinking - should I buy more crowns? I decide not to buy because my battery is drained and needs to be recharged. I would spend more money if I could play...