• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Z

    Why is Solidaritas not banned yet?

    1/many cheaters also are good customers and spend money in the game. So nexon won't shoot himself by banning these players. 2/the biggest problem in this game is....nexon Nexon is like a very very bad joke. They acquired BHG in 2016. Since that day they slowly kill the game
  2. Z

    2,500 crowns for $0.99

    Big huge games was acquired by Nexon in 2016. I also played Rise of nations on pc
  3. Z

    2,500 crowns for $0.99

    1/ Big huge games doesn't exist anymore, it's Nexon and only nexon 2/ nexon won't do anything. Their answer is "we fixed the bug" and nothing more 3/ nexon is killing the game more and more every day....
  4. Z

    Could we get a Uni Leader that lowers building times?

    Useless request The answer is of course NO You want to build faster? Use your crowns You need crowns? Buy them It's the answer nexon would give you if they dared
  5. Z

    When is Saladin getting fixed?

    Since nexon absorbed big huge games (only to exploit the game Dominations and his 19 millions downloads), the game is being killed slowly and has become a real p2w. Nexon is not unproffesional, but only wants to make maximum money possible with lowest cost. So Nexon gives us uncompleted and...
  6. Z

    2,500 crowns for $0.99

    Silent or bullshits mean the same...
  7. Z

    2,500 crowns for $0.99

    Mcnasty and how long will these iron age players play? We also have a few players joining our alliance, they play a few days and disapear....
  8. Z

    2,500 crowns for $0.99

    As I wrote it before, this game is dead. Nexon doesn't work on the game anymore. Bugs are not fixed for mounths (except the ones which make nexon loose money), cheaters do what they want, nexon do nothing and say there is no cheat... there are no new players anymore, only fake bases in the lower...
  9. Z

    Another example of 5-star cheat

    In world wars, for nexon, there is never cheating... It's always about visual bug or replay bug....pathetic! They will only give you 100 crowns if your attack is lost. ​​​​​​
  10. Z

    Another example of 5-star cheat

    I got twice 300 crowns for having been defeated in multiplayer by players using this glitch. Does anyone know how this cheat works and it is generated? It seems that this is an old glitch.
  11. Z

    To cheating scumbags of Solidaritas.

    Of course they did it many many times, without any consequence. nexon is useless. The game is dead. Nexon only wants to grab our money before the end of the game which is closer and closer.
  12. Z

    To cheating scumbags of Solidaritas.

    No Title Vixen their name was and still is solidaritas
  13. Z

    To cheating scumbags of Solidaritas.

    Same shit for our alliance. Impossible to attack their number number 2 and they used the 5 stars glitch glitch... without that we would have won.... we reported them and nexon answered it's because of the game version...Bad joke anyway their number 2 is not in their alliance since Yesterday
  14. Z

    2,500 crowns for $0.99

    You all speak too much! don't you understand ? This game is already dead thanks to Nexon Bugs, glitchs, exploits, free cheating.... No new players, old players quitting... Nexon knows that and do nothing except trying to make maximum money before the end of the game...
  15. Z

    War is gone

    Same problem for our alliance. We started a new ww against a team. One hour after the opponent was found, he disapeared and a new one appeared!!! One hour before the end of the ww, the result shows we lost against the first opponent without having played the ww. It seems 2 ww were played at the...
  16. Z

    Troop retrain balance

    There is no AI, the planes fly in a silly way, the units act also stupid, they'd rather get killed by defensive buildings than make the things in a logical way...
  17. Z

    Sandbagging/Decoy Lag is getting worse

    Yes It's a known issue only for Android users.
  18. Z

    Sandbagging/Decoy Lag is getting worse

    No problem, decoy will soon take 2 places as tactic, so we will not use it any more or less maybe 😁 ​​​
  19. Z

    Sandbagging/Decoy Lag is getting worse

    This time decoy lag is catastrophical ! I contacted bugxon and the answer is the same as always: we work on it. They work a lot... But bad.
  20. Z

    Virtual debts in dominations

    Many things are virtual with nexon, and specialy their developpers, their competences, their investigation after a problem, their work against cheating... Many things....