• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. B

    iPad stuck in “update game” loop

    Game has updated now thanks all
  2. B

    iPad stuck in “update game” loop

    Thanks, still not working for me, maybe it’s region based, I’m UK. Annoying as we’re 6 hours into a war, I can play it on my Android phone but I don’t want to make war attacks on the small screen, my eyes are too old for it!
  3. B

    iPad stuck in “update game” loop

    Since yesterday evening, when I open the game it says “update available“ and forces me to the App Store. In the AppStore there is no update available, just a button to “open” the game, which takes me back to the start of this message so I can’t open the game.
  4. B

    Paratrooper that spawns from plane with level 10 ejection seat is not equal to my paratrooper level

    In real life fighters don’t have golden ejector seats. It’s a game. A lot of time is needed to get a gold ejector seat so it should have a suitable reward. I’d rather have another 5% damage like the lower levels than a paratrooper who dies on landing.
  5. B

    Paratrooper that spawns from plane with level 10 ejection seat is not equal to my paratrooper level

    Ensure your Manufactory is producing 24/7 by switching to produce long production time items at night (eg platinum, fibre mesh, thermic brass) so the Manufactory doesn’t shut down once it’s made 100 units of something.
  6. B

    Paratrooper that spawns from plane with level 10 ejection seat is not equal to my paratrooper level

    Same here, my paratroopers from my fighter ejection seat die very quickly, not like “normal” paratroopers who are tough units.
  7. B

    Parliament Zeroed

    Thanks but I can’t see it. Is the “offers window“ the crown button in the top right of the main screen that opens the list of events etc…?
  8. B

    Parliament Zeroed

    We’ve got our Parliament back thanks.🙏
  9. B

    Parliament Zeroed

    Thanks, lots of our alliance panicking as we spent years completing the Parliament and really miss the Perks we had! I don’t think we’ll have a chance in war going up against similar level alliances with a completed Parliament.
  10. B

    Parliament Zeroed

    Thanks, good to know we’re not alone
  11. B

    Parliament Zeroed

    Our Parliament was maxed out. Overnight everything has reset to Zero and we’ve lost the canon on top. Alliance “Hedonists”
  12. B

    iPad requesting non existent update

    When I open the game on my iPad this evening, it automatically takes me to the App Store for an update. There is no update available, just a button to open the game. When I tap that button, it opens the game, then redirects me to the App Store for an update, which isn’t there. It’s a never...
  13. B

    Suspended upgrading to Drone Age

    Looks like I’m in the same place as you now GDR, I’ve been upgraded to DA but none of the goodie bag items you normally get on upgrading
  14. B

    Suspended upgrading to Drone Age

    How do I get CS to respond? I haven’t heard anything from them for 4 days and they’re ignoring this thread.
  15. B

    Suspended upgrading to Drone Age

    Thanks GDR, good to know I’m not the only one. It was Thursday last week though, and still not heard back from CS since their first reply telling me to reboot my iPad.
  16. B

    Suspended upgrading to Drone Age

    I upgraded to the Drone Age a couple of days ago but it hasn’t really worked. I can’t make any DA upgrades. My houses have changed skin, but not my TC. I lost all the crowns I spent upgrading to DA. In my chat panel, if I request troops is shows I’m DA. I have reported to CS, but haven’t heard...
  17. B

    Hedonists - relaxed but experienced Alliance that regularly wars but war is voluntary

    We still have places for people who play for fun. Do you have an established alliance that is gradually losing active players? We may be able to accommodate all your remaining active players so you can stay together.
  18. B

    Level 16 HungryHungHippos looking for recruits!

    Hey Hungry Hippos, my alliance sounds similar to yours, level 16, relaxed alliance. We have 40 members but over time our active numbers have tailed off. Perhaps we could discuss a merger? First need to check we’d be a good match. On the war front, it’s optional in our alliance and we’re happy...
  19. B

    Hedonists - relaxed but experienced Alliance that regularly wars but war is voluntary

    Hedonists play for fun. We’re a mature, clean language alliance in need of fresh blood. We are on level 16 and advanced Parliament. War is optional, but if you volunteer for war you’d be expected to make both attacks. We don’t analyse performance as long as you try. We war about twice a week...