Lightweights are recognized as "lightweight champs" as a heavyweight is recognized as a "heavyweight champ." they are never all mixed into one classification in terms of whose at the top overall. Nobody expects Mayweather to beat the crappiest heavyweight as he's taking on too much weight. Now...
My alliance is about 4000 glory away from the bottom of the leaderboards. It seems impossible to get there because we merged with another alliance and now only match with the top half of the leaderboards. We are better than some of the alliances in the 60-100 range but will never make it there...
There will always be a way to skew match ups with the current war system. The ultimate way of skewing a war is pay2win. We all argue about sandbagging but what are you going to do when you face an Alliance with 8 elephant archers in the strongholds and bazooka towers spread through the ranks...
Might suck for those alliances that bottom 2 are actually good. Let's say in a 20v20 your bottom 2 are enlightenment and mine are global while our top 18 are matched evenly... Those 2 bottom basses might determine who wins the war.
Glory doesn't matter... War weight does... My alliance is global and atomic down to about 30 players and we match up with top 50 alliances regularly... We only have 18000 glory. Glory does not matter when searching for war. We have way less glory than 90-100 but will never match with most of...
The game upgrade system and timing is still based on when the game stopped in industrial age... It's a fatal mistake as if you are a new player, atomic age is nearly 2 years away and does not seem attainable... I knew I would be industrial in a year when I started... Now I been global for months...
Yep... My alliance could destroy half the leaderboards, but the other half the leaderboards, we don't stand a chance. Guess which half of the leaderboard we match up with every war... Makes no sense that I have to recruit gunpowder age bases so I can make my alliance weaker. Instead of trying to...
How about you all learn how to play the game for free without crowns or card troops.... Money is not well spent. The top 20 alliances fill strongholds with expensive troops and add expensive troops to their attacks... Spend the most, win the most! These types of games are very experienced at...
Just faced an Alliance with 5000 more glory than us and we could only win a whopping 88 glory.... They were ranked 74 on the leaderboards... We aren't ranked...
Been searching for a match for 8 hours now... Started at 20 vs then increased in increments of 5 every 2 hours... I'm up to 35 vs now, and still no match... I thought match making was supposed to be faster. Or is a server down again? Any info would be appreciated...
Bad rabbits have 18000 glory... Our last 3 match ups have been against teams in the top 75 alliances in the world... We like the challenge and have been competitive, but haven't won... We deserve a spot on the leaderboard, but will have a lot of trouble getting there based on the fact we can...
Maybe they are working on it right this second... Because I have searching for a war for over 5 hours now with no luck... So much for better wait times...
Dominations used to be highly ranked in top grossing games... Now they have fallen way off. The difference is millions spending minimal amount of money to have fun to catering the game to its "whales. " If 1 million of us buy $5 worth of crowns, Nexon makes 5 million. If your top 50 alliances...
Can't wait to have that problem... Lol! Only 30 levels away! World War is what this game is all about. I would be a happy man if my base never got attacked again!
We complain because we love the game, not because we hate it. But, as you should know, there are players out there that have spent thousands on this game. They deserve reliability. And if they want more people spending thousands, it's reliability that will get it. The game is good as is. But it...