Sick and tired of people knocking ARES, they are the cleanest alliances out there atm after the community cry about then, ohh and guess what….. they are still beating all alliances in the game so looks like they are the best alliance out there so everyone I give you tissues for your years now...
You want more hints to go wrong with game?? Keep it simple or many things will happen and you will all cry about it, just get better at winning wars and you get glory it’s that simple
Throughout the game’s history things have been nerfed, it’s becoming a joke.
People spend plenty of time and money creating certain styles then Nexon/BHG change things up and money spent then becomes worthless,
All they care about is profit for themselves just ask some of the employees that...
I’m sorry you misunderstood, I wasn’t attacking any player just stating if one has the ability to talk with the CEO then all should be equal and have the opportunity
How is it fair that one player has access with the CEO while the rest have nothing? Isn’t that giving one person a massive advantage over all others, maybe the player with the access just wants to feel powerful and important and fuel his/her own ego by being the only one not sure.
Never heard a bigger bunch of cry babies
You all still don’t believe players got banned even when BHG say it is so, still in denial that some players are better than you and you want them banned so you make lies about them lol unbelievable