• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. E

    Level, XP and defensive strength

    Chill out meatwad its just a game 😜
  2. E

    An easy way for Nexon to fix the pay2win issue AND keep everyone happy

    It's too late, the game is ruined. We just lost another easy win due to every stronghold being loaded. Fuck you Nexon.
  3. E

    April 2017 Design Spotlight

    Stupid f$&"@ update you piece of s$&" idiots I can't believe how bad you f@"! this game up smh.
  4. E

    Disappearing Donation Requests and Disappearing Troops

    Requesting through TC instead of chat has helped us. Haven't been affected by this for a couple months though personally.
  5. E

    Strategies of War! v5.3

    Korean forum says it's rolling out today and tomorrow. Looks like Android before iOS if my broken translated Korean is correct.
  6. E

    Coalitions Improvements Design Spotlight

    I think if you get 5 stars you should always get at least 2 of the opponents nation specific NTGs and they should also be like the basic trade goods in the sense that if I attack a base fully loaded with NTGs I have a chance to steal a few that aren't that nations specific good. I also like the...
  7. E

    No one use Chinese?

    Chinese guns shoot faster but they're weaker than the others and their extra tactic is useful but not a deal maker. I would choose Koreans before Chinese but British guns are my easy choice with +1 range and +15% attack. The Koreans 10% refund is also not nearly appealing to me as British 15%...
  8. E

    Your opinion Please : topic Battle formations

    I'll take any upgrade in troop AI or ability to help direct them any day. So many times I have 10+ wall pieces being shot at at the same time by troops virtually side by side. Supply units and siege taking the scenic route while my general finds the nearest AT to suicide on.
  9. E

    faster troop movement

    I agree it would be nice to have a tactic to hit when my troops are stuck in a Versailles and caltrops combo.
  10. E

    How road upgrading works?

    Roads are all upgraded simultaneously, unlike walls which are upgraded individually.
  11. E

    Hey where are all my threads going???

    It may have something to do with you recently signing up and still waiting to be approved.
  12. E

    Roman Industrial Army Composition for wars

    I would keep a similar comp as you've been using in EA. Planes will be the biggest addition to your comp in IA most likely and I don't personally use mini gunners, guerillas or zeppelins. We have some successful Roman attackers in our alliance that use zero heavies. I think the people in my...
  13. E

    Coalitions Improvements Design Spotlight

    How will the 2nd blacksmith slot be unlocked?