• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. C

    Unable to upgrade artifacts.

    I'm not absolutely sure, but I also suspect the library research has something to do regarding the bug. I went for the blueprints reduction research prior to leveling up my artifacts.
  2. C

    A Thought On War

    Please, just let the leader choose if we prefer perfect match with unlimited search time, or if we prefer quick search with no so perfect match (i.e. current scenario). This simple thing would solve a lot of problems with matchmaking.
  3. C

    Unable to upgrade artifacts.

    I have the same issue while leveling up a benefit of artifacts (they leveling up to the same value as it currently has). All common main hall and war hall artifacts are affected by this bug (no matter if new or old ones). Legendary artifacts level up normaly. I have contacted CS several days...
  4. C

    Burj AI Arab bug

    I can confirm that Burj Al Arab wonder is still bugged even after the update. It correctly shows -9% for all 9 houses in the range, also it correctly shows reduced time prior the upgrade, but once I start the upgrade the actual upgrade time is reduced only by about 7.2% instead of 9%. Tested on...
  5. C

    Network Connection error

    I have the same issue. I was getting an error message every time I gather resources or send an expedition from shipyard since the yesterday. Since today afternoon I cannot load the game anymore. The error message appears immediately after my city shows up.
  6. C

    Suggestions for the Next Event...

    Actually OP's suggestion would bring ties at the leaderboards. The only solution would be to remove leaderboard and let the players compete against pre-defined EXP ranks instead of compete against each other. Current scheme is just pure madness, where a few first players compete, and the...
  7. C

    About this new Event...

    Actually all you need to do is donating troops to ww map, and let your mates to disband donation right after. No wait times.
  8. C

    WWII Event cheaters?

    Event leaderboard is actually Donate leaderboard. A very serious design failure.
  9. C

    Archeology chapter 5; big thumbs up!

    I've completed Archeology as soon it was possible. I used to get 3* artifact quite often (5% seemed reliable). However a few days ago, I stoped getting 3* artifacts. I'made more than 100 and none was 3*. I've got a little more 2* instead, as if there is a bug that give me 2* artifact instead of...
  10. C

    Next Event, Admiral Yi’s Helmet...

    I'm just interested whether there will be an event someday, that Space Age players can complete. Currently, all events are impossible for Space Age players (perhaps only a few fanatics can complete them).
  11. C

    BHG, please stop the greed

    Pay2Play and gambling is a new standard in this game. I wouldn't believe how far it can actually go. I'm sorry for the players supporting this insanity with thier money any longer.
  12. C

    Chest with chance to get Croix de guerre.

    I agree with Houkai. I have a simillar comment in this thread yesterday. I wrote that Dominations (and the other games nowdays) turned into a casino game and that's a legal way of robbery. My post has been deleted. Perhaps, it's dangerous to say the truth.
  13. C

    Introduction: Joe “Muet” Grubb - Lead Designer

    There is no logic nor pricing model. It's just (currently legal) robbery. All the game market is poisoned by such madness nowdays. It's up to us, players whether we will support the robbers or not.
  14. C

    Introduction: Joe “Muet” Grubb - Lead Designer

    You are welcome to play Dominations alone. If you neglect the real issues the game has, you will end as a sole player of this game (it won't last long since you alone have probably not enough money to cover running costs for even one game server).
  15. C

    Introduction: Joe “Muet” Grubb - Lead Designer

    I stopped playing Dominations recently after I enjoyed it for the last three years. The introduction of War hall in museum was the turning point for me. I doubt you would be able to lure back many players, or keep exusting ones until you take care of RNG nature of the Museum. No one is...
  16. C

    Introduction: Joe “Muet” Grubb - Lead Designer

    Are you talking about Dominations game, actually? How can you combine HT and MG while there is no way to dissable missile silo (you said to use First Aid, so there is no much space left for Sabotage)?
  17. C

    Re-Rolling Artifacts

    I'm wondering how players enjoy basicaly a slot machine game instead of what was a rather good strategy game. Perhaps only addicts left to play this sick game. I'm happy to quit.
  18. C

    dead horse beating

    I thought I should wait till all the rebalances are done, then make the final decision whether quit the game. However, since 6.6 update and introduction of war artefacts, and rather weird way of re-rolling artefact benefits (only one benefit can be re-rolled and the re-roll costs 100 crowns!)...
  19. C

    Flying Tanks weekend: What Did You Think?

    This was clearly the worst idea, far worse than all the rebalances together. It ruined most of the wars during the event, especially those starting/ending not in sync with the "event". If this rule-breaking non-sense is giong to be offered each weekend, I will definitely sing out from the wars...
  20. C

    Our top player is quitting. Nexon, happy now?

    I had sustained all that rebalances. Even the game was considerably harder after, at least threre was rules. However with the latest event featuring double strength fighters, there is no more rules in the game. How can we engage in wars if you temporarily change rules in the middle of the war...