• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Hugh Jazz

    Gamer Women

    I want to be on the girls team .. i can slap and scratch and bite
  2. Hugh Jazz

    Sciapod Zombies (almost hobbits)

    Now thats $exy
  3. Hugh Jazz

    Forum newbie

    I suppose welcome to the forums. If you are interested in a wider input for base design you should venture into the tactics and strategy subforum. There are not as many players looking in on this section.
  4. Hugh Jazz

    New to game well sorta

    Considering you have 2 posts in a month I am not sure you will even see this message ... I consider myself a world traveller and have seen the inner workings of several alliances. I would love to recommend a few to you but i will wait for a response from you showing some interest.
  5. Hugh Jazz

    New to forums, so many questions

    Welcome David. Glad to have your input on the game. I am noone of consequence but I often raise points like your own.
  6. Hugh Jazz

    Stardate 29/10/16...a new team looking for people to join something new

    As always I remain your fan. Best wishes and good luck with the new endeavour.
  7. Hugh Jazz

    Iron Base Stacking - Aussie Shred Experience

    Yes, good idea. We should also all shave our heads and wear watermelon lip gloss. Then we can all be the same with no individuality. Integrity will be a thing of the past if noone has it. Great post.
  8. Hugh Jazz

    Medal dumping for resources!

    Bigger rewards from the dock ...
  9. Hugh Jazz

    “The Road to Better World War Matchmaking” aka Sandbagging!

    No drugs will help you phil .. poor parenting and a sense of self importance is your ruin.
  10. Hugh Jazz

    Estate Sale With No Sale

    You can be arrested for disturbing the peace if your 'speech' becomes vulgar or inflammatory which is what happened to you .. name calling should be reserved for thanksgiving dinner with your family.
  11. Hugh Jazz


    I will be looking for Steve next time
  12. Hugh Jazz

    Ten Bars Club

    Hockey son ... world cup of hockey. Canada vs Europe, best of 3
  13. Hugh Jazz

    Get your Alliance Featured -- M&C DomiNations

    Oh snap .. thats today isnt it :)
  14. Hugh Jazz

    Get your Alliance Featured -- M&C DomiNations

    GailWho is the mother of zombies
  15. Hugh Jazz

    Get your Alliance Featured -- M&C DomiNations

    Hobbit zombies hardly need the exposure but would probably love to be featured.
  16. Hugh Jazz

    Hobbit Zombies just cleaned house now's your chance!

    You can use my room while I am out
  17. Hugh Jazz

    “The Road to Better World War Matchmaking” aka Sandbagging!

    That is false. Some alliances may use the sandbagging strategy to fix their stalemate problem but it was adopted by other groups just to fix their suckability. In fact there is at least one alliance that has been using this strategy for nearly their whole war career and it had nothing to do with...
  18. Hugh Jazz

    Hobbit Zombies just cleaned house now's your chance!

    *runs around and makes a mess* glad I had a chance to do that :)