• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Vapula

    November Survey Results - General Balance Sentiment

    Multiplayer is not whats in question here, its wars.. What you say is true, once you reach high enough ages, there is nothing fun in the game to do other than world wars, that is why these people are so passionate about balance in game..
  2. Vapula

    November Survey Results - General Balance Sentiment

    The problem isn't attackers vs defenders.. It's simply their visions that's the problem.. Defenders want to see 5 black stars on their base even if attacker drops bzallion dollars to attack whereas their "investment" at best is a 7 day building.. Whereas attackers want to succeed against...
  3. Vapula

    November Survey Results - General Balance Sentiment

    I ain't reading all that, but clearly someone's butt hurt.. Coz you clearly missed the point... Let's take base game to base game comparison Can a 3D with 0 offensive buffs take down a 3O with 0 defense buffs? Earlier yes, but pretty much once attackers started maxing out D munitions as well...
  4. Vapula

    Change of Reroll Resource? (Ideas)

    Hey lovely people and the community mods! I have a genuine question do you guys actually respect your F2P playerbase or has it all been thrown down the drain to cater to the whales? So I have been conducting an experiment on whats the crown accumulation rate and I am absolutely thrilled to...
  5. Vapula

    War Town Center donations are not correct

    It usually happens when the opposing team has not reached perk 22.. Really makes you wonder which else perk doesn't fully work
  6. Vapula

    Temple of Artemis - Week Ahead 9/9

    Can we stop these unnecessary events and actually put our workforce towards making the game playable again?? Like Im sorry but trust me when I say this, no one looks at these announcements anymore and goes "oh hey I cant wait to be 33% off on stupid Churchil upgrades" or "cant wait to get 12...
  7. Vapula

    Quality of Life Updates? BS! Let's not beat around the bush, the game is dying

    Its not a permanent deal, its a weekend special theyve started recently.. for me actually it goes around 12$, I just said 10$ deal coz thats what majority of the players get..
  8. Vapula

    Quality of Life Updates? BS! Let's not beat around the bush, the game is dying

    Let's face is the amount of players quitting has risen concerningly high the last few months. Now I am not going to get into the debate of Defense or Offense that's a story for another day, but today I want to touch up on the countless bugs and joke of QOL updates we've received in the recent...
  9. Vapula

    Crown rewards for watching vids?

    It used to be Saturday, Sunday, Monday of every week and should 100% be bought back.. What we believe is they want to make the 10$ crown pack and crowns for legendary chest a permanent thing in shop given how well it's done, so they've resorted to the scummiest tactic of a gut punch to the f2p...
  10. Vapula

    Reduced Range on Attack Helicopter

    Your videos are literally proving what everyone is saying here.. you have not shared any videos post manufactory release have you? You realise AHs got a +1 range from manufactory? If helis with +1 range = helis WITHOUT +1 range and you see nothing wrong, then I simply don't know what to say 🤷
  11. Vapula

    Reduced Range on Attack Helicopter

    That's the problem.. Devs including Harlems believe that the range has been reduced for months now, but we players who play with helis daily saw a massive blow to the helis lethaliy and survivability after the update that introduced the range reduction directive.. and I'm not saying just on auto...
  12. Vapula


    Agree I've been playing with MRLs for about a month now and they can be lethal in the right hands, but those hands aren't definitely mine lol.. Won't go into too many specifics but I have maxed LRE + Braced plating, 100% MRL dmg, 60 something MRL HP just from Museum + council alone but still I...
  13. Vapula

    Reduced Range on Attack Helicopter

    The 6 month old video is without the +1 range munition.. Yea maybe they have always attacked the center of the building but if thats the case then we have a bigger question to ask.. Does it mean LRE muntion has somehow bugged the last update? Because of thats the case its an even bigger issue...
  14. Vapula

    Legendary Calendar - August 2024

    Any updates on the vault? Usually vaults are announced 2 months prior with Marco normal trades announcement. The earlier announcement that talked about vault returning was super vague about it but it hinted at the vault being in sept, so we were expecting both August Marco sales and September...
  15. Vapula

    Study in Library do not reduce Troop training time

    That's not true, you can refer to wiki for base values. The base train time for infantry is 35 seconds (so 10% reduce would be 31.5 sec) and ranged infantry base train time is 50 sec (10% reduction would be 45) Both seem right to me
  16. Vapula

    So, that's the game now?

    Nothing is ever fully taken away, you work on your DST enemy works on their EDST it is compared between the two players and whoever has more stats, whoever has grinded more on their museum gets the advantage. That's totally different from sabo/betray not being able to be used for 10-15 seconds...
  17. Vapula

    So, that's the game now?

    Let's agree to disagree.. I've seen many.. Many top defenders go down with just 9 fighters, 4 TTs (and when I mean top defenders I mean defenders in and against top 5 teams) but I've never even once in my life seen a 3D go down without recon even in wars like top 30s.. So call it what you want...
  18. Vapula

    So, that's the game now?

    See thats the thing, 10 fighters, 2 recon, 2 tupos (you only need NH hanger and not FSH in this case) you can still clear most bases, the additional Tupo or BHM only speeds up the impending doom of the base, however even if you take 10 fighters and 5 Tupos you wont be able to clear most top 3Ds...
  19. Vapula

    So, that's the game now?

    Exactly! Take recon TT out of picture no one is taking a 3D base down even if they run 10 fighters, 5 Tupos it's simply not gonna be enough fire power.. Even if the defender makes it an inviting closed layout without bdar it still won't happen Recons have ruined the def/off balance of the game...
  20. Vapula

    So, that's the game now?

    That's the problem.. It's not about good defensive players being rewarded they used to still be rewarded, stopping mortars was never about the museum I mean seriously come on people were playing with close to 150 mort dmg along with aztec and broken mongol you think even a 85% dmg nerf was ever...