I think it would be great to introduce a river leading from the sea right through your base. new twists that could provide:
amphibious units - assault dinghys full of marines? Scuba diving commandos? Landing craft/hovercraft
a navy (we have army and airforce why not navy?) -...
How do you see your account start date? I’d love to know mine, I know I’ve been playing a few years, had about a one year gap but then came back, I’m guessing late 2016 but would love to know?
This has been going on forever but ive only just got round to posting this. Its really annoying when items dont show the upgrade image when you want to upgrade them, if im going to spend money or resources i want to see what im going to get :)
currently it seems to be all traps, SAM, barbed...
Is that why we haven't had any weekend event details on a Thursday in the news section for a few weeks now? I miss those, it was very useful to plan how to use my crowns in advance.
ha ha I just think tactical stacks or quick deploy stacks would be amazing. BHG could charge 1000 crowns per stack button to a maximum of 4 or whatever, they could charge money and we'd all do it. Why don't they listen? You'd think if they actually played their own game they would come up...
It depends what time zone you're on. I only joined recently and my posts have taken between 12 hours and 24 hours to appear. If it's taken 2 days + then there must be a problem, or you're swearing too much :)
Much the same as a real general in real war I'd like to be able to tell ALL of my tanks to appear in location 'x' and all of my troops to appear at location 'y' to start an attack. It's ludicrous that I have to hold my finger on a location to launch my forces one at a time.
For someone like...
Thanks for that Tsamu, I like reading genuine chat about tactics and things to try, or not try. I also leave my TC outside my walls but I'm only Atomic age and I'm not sure how much difference it makes, if I'm honest I'm not actually attacked very much, maybe twice a week!
totally agree, very good for sending on expeditions :)
I wouldn't spend money on him but you can upgrade him in the VIP shop for rubies which is the only thing I will do, shame is the ruby offers are rarely there for my low VIP level