• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Ironblood

    Tired of wars without option in victory

    You could try joining Discord app. Dominationsprime. They organise H2H wars with non stacker alliances. You can communicate and then both press search at the same time. Our alliance Hobbit Zombies have had some good battles doing this.
  2. Ironblood

    Losing battles

    Dropping medals and raiding is a vital part of the game. Join in if it's upsetting you. Try getting 8.5 mill food for troop UG in global with out doing this. It would take you a week instead of two hours.
  3. Ironblood

    Ever thought about becoming a Zombie? Hobbit Zombies is the place for you!

    Great poems Nav. I'm getting war withdraw. Might need to tick the button.
  4. Ironblood

    British tips and tricks (Iron to Gunpowder ) Loot , loot , & loot!

    Late to the party but great post. Started a Brit account last month so good info for me. Cheers 👍😀
  5. Ironblood

    Iron age, can't exit nations screen, major dilemma over which nation

    Lol or you can have three accounts like German, British an French. Hold on then yo would be me 🤔 😆. Join "Hobbit Zombies" where you can have fun, war and eat brains as much ask you like!
  6. Ironblood

    A Newbies perspective

    Cool one sinner. I have just moved my second "King Henry" for a visit and a war so will be great to have him stop in after that so two to three days. I'll add Forever Rushed to his alliance book marks :). That's cool about your times as I'm in the Southern Hemisphere and normally have time...
  7. Ironblood

    Bug or they doubled war loot?

    Lol I was out for the last war but the rest of the hobbit zombies scored :)
  8. Ironblood

    Economy like farms and caravans are completely useless

    Good topic and yes like so many why up grade them when you can raid. Incentive to UG them may be needed as all my team members in AA complain About the lack of resources available. I've just gone to global and seems ok so far but won't to rush one of my accounts to AA in Three months for war...
  9. Ironblood

    A Newbies perspective

    Hi Sinner and welcome to the game. You raised some good points. nexon was talking up war replays last year but three (approx) updates latter it's like it never happened. What's the name of your alliance as I have three accounts and would like to come visit and join your team for a war if you are...
  10. Ironblood

    Coalitions Improvements Design Spotlight

    Great news. The only problem I see is how to get enough silk once u hit global or AA. As the Japanese nations are hard to find at these levels.
  11. Ironblood

    Join "Hobbit Zombies"

    It's 2017 and I've just gone global. Y did I wait? the loot is better. Oh well hind site is a great thing. I rushed all the other ages lol. come and check us out if you like to chat game and have fun. :)
  12. Ironblood

    Join "Hobbit Zombies"

    If nexon gave me a third of that I would be dancing a gig for sure :)
  13. Ironblood


    Nice post max_imus. It was great to have ya visit Tree Fort last week.
  14. Ironblood

    Using Food to upgrade walls and Gates!

    Great news for avid players. Any news on fixing stale mates in war!!
  15. Ironblood

    Revolution - British, German or any other nation

    I changed from Japanese to Germans about two months ago and Love it. I'm IA and use 1 HT mk2 6 Arty 3 health 2 Hgats 7 infantry and 25 or so shooters. Good times :)
  16. Ironblood

    Join "Hobbit Zombies"

    If you've got passion and drive come to the place to thrive. You will laugh learn and burn the house down. A few pancakes in war and you'll feel like a star before you now it your one of the brain eating Hobbits :)
  17. Ironblood

    Join "Hobbit Zombies"

    Great work Nav you are very creative. Come Join HZ. You can do it. Warriors wanted S we love to war!!!
  18. Ironblood

    Time for new campaigns?

    So if you are like me and would like some new campaigns to add some more fun in the game add your ideas here. I would like a campaign covering the 100 year war between England and France. Or one covering WW 1. Something historical would be great. Join Hobbit Zombies! Develop and share skills...
  19. Ironblood

    EA IA cheetahs hunted to extinction

    No Title I've still seen them. Nearly every day.