• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. JuggernautJ

    Be Nice

    What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness? -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  2. JuggernautJ

    Max storage amount for Archive

    The message I got telling me that I had reached the limit came while I was collecting Speed-Ups from an Event. Maybe it isn't uniform... I had something like1,050 1 hour Speed-Ups(in each Research and Building) before I was denied more. Either way, I also plan to not allow any of my Speed-Ups...
  3. JuggernautJ

    Max storage amount for Archive

    Thank you very much for the informative reply!! Now that the limits have come to our attention, I have (and will be) used/using a bunch of speed ups... I'm sure others will be also. I sincerely hope no one gets banned for this usage.
  4. JuggernautJ

    Max storage amount for Archive

    I would like to know what the limit is and how it is counted. Is it based on time or total number of speed-ups? Is it computed by individual grouping (building, research, general) or are those lumped together when figuring a max? I got this message today for 1 hour speed ups from the Tank...
  5. JuggernautJ

    Manufactory Updating Glitch?

    Platform (Android/IOS): Android Device: TECLAST tPad If PvP issue War/Matchmaking: NOT War/Matchmaking Description of issue: Items upgraded are not being upgraded. Frequency of issue: Twice Additional information: After I have completed an Upgrade I go into the Manufactory to further...
  6. JuggernautJ

    DomiNations Winter for the Ages 2025

    BHG SELLS Speed-Ups... for money. Also Crowns, which can be used to speed-up just about anything. It is to increase the desire for Speed-Ups that they decrease the resource cost during Summer/Winter For The Ages Events. It isn't as much about decreasing the resource cost as it is about...
  7. JuggernautJ

    Quality of Life Updates? BS! Let's not beat around the bush, the game is dying

    You left out War Matching... a problem that's been going on for quite some time. Our once-proud Alliance had been about 8:1 pr 9:1 underdogs for what seems like an eternity.... I would guess > 90% of the last who-knows-how-many Wars. There have been a few new, fun additions... The Council and...
  8. JuggernautJ


    I still have a few forests left to clear... I plan on leaving one (in a corner) as a "Nature Preserve" if only to make it easy to find all the huntable animals. And because it is silly and fun. I think animals stop wandering through your town when you enclose it with walls, not when you clear...
  9. JuggernautJ

    Arabic & Islamic civilization & Figures

    There are a wide variety of Civilizations that could be included in the game (I mean, just look at how many the Civilization series of games included). I've often wondered how BHG decided on what civilizations to include. When they have three Asian Civs (definitly not picking on our Asian...
  10. JuggernautJ

    DomiNations Update 12.7 - Automation Age Upgrades

    All of the above plus we can't see replays of battles from our current war. It seems quite likely we're going to lose this war (and the associated Glory) because of the iOS glitch. :(
  11. JuggernautJ

    main & war rooms, in museum and council

    Nicely resolved. Best wishes to all.
  12. JuggernautJ

    main & war rooms, in museum and council

    Not all people learn in the same way. It isn't as cut and dried as you seem to want it to be. Nor is the best learning always achieved when the person providing information makes only a minimal or token effort and leaves the learner to "sink or swim." If someone asks politely for information I...
  13. JuggernautJ

    main & war rooms, in museum and council

    Some people need help with Dominations. Others could use a lesson or two on how to be decent Human Beings...
  14. JuggernautJ

    is the Treasure dock Relevant these days

    At first I would buy Crowns there. The 2:1 value seemed worthwhile. Nowadays the only thing I buy at the dock are the Main and War Hall items. Even if you don't get a useful artifact you can sell them for Blueprints.
  15. JuggernautJ

    Expand Council Collection Rewards to 190

    I didn't see anybody "whining." I don't think it is unrealistic to expect an expansion of a reward/commission system. The parameters of the Council have expanded... so too should the reward parameters. It seems likely BHG will continue to introduce even more new councilors. Why wouldn't they...
  16. JuggernautJ

    Expand Council Collection Rewards to 190

    Adding my voice to the request. And it needs to go way over 190!
  17. JuggernautJ

    November Legendary Token Calendar

    I am trying to understand (the value of) The Enigma Machine.... When is the Enigma Machine used? Does one place it in the Legendary slot of the museum when one starts research or does it have to be there for the entirety of the research period (so, basically, all the time)?
  18. JuggernautJ

    Marco Polo Calendar

    Since when, exactly? <.< >.>
  19. JuggernautJ

    BHG will NEVER....

    As the Buddha teaches us, the source of our discontent is unrealistic expectations. Perhaps if we understood what won't change we will have the wisdom to accept that and focus on those things we can hope to change for the better.
  20. JuggernautJ

    BHG will NEVER....

    I am curious as to what you might think Big Huge Games will never do by way of improving or changing the game. I am not intending this to be a complaint thread but rather wondering what alterations (requested or not) we'll never see implemented. I don't think we'll ever see an increase in the...