• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Evningcome

    Video / Ad changes - Rewards reduced to 2/3/5 crowns instead of 5 as the base.

    Situation looks like this "The ship sinks we dye it" ....but it's even better cuz we try to make paint from fart .........Nexon Moto !!!
  2. Evningcome

    MRL Splash Damage

    Mat are you sure you don't have to actually drive the MRL to see it :):):)
  3. Evningcome

    Video / Ad changes - Rewards reduced to 2/3/5 crowns instead of 5 as the base.

    Eastern MMO ....no thank you ,but it's your Christmas gift ...I said NO THANK YOU
  4. Evningcome

    I Think I Have A Solution For A World War Matchmaking

    But at some point there will be 10 top one (or so Alliances waring among each other) Then introduce "Seasons" (last X amunt of time) give this top Alliances a juicy reward ,and reset the process .....Introduce some catch up mechanics (for example current age is CWA ,everything behind have x2...
  5. Evningcome

    I Think I Have A Solution For A World War Matchmaking

    Let's First Determined What Top Alliance Should be :)
  6. Evningcome

    I Think I Have A Solution For A World War Matchmaking

    Well adressing Sandbagging is not a easy task ,it's a clever abuse of a game mechanics ,which will require changes to this mechanics (in other words rewriting formulas and codes) .Is it possible in theory ...yes it is .Will it work in practice ...I don't think so . Searching will take too long...
  7. Evningcome

    I Think I Have A Solution For A World War Matchmaking

    Of course some people will keep using their cards (for what elase to use my free cards ,for MP ?) But since it's for your own satisfaction (We are talking about Not Ranked scenario) it will be most likely fights between equals ,and because of this it's less likely to face 5 Global/5 Iron for...
  8. Evningcome

    I Think I Have A Solution For A World War Matchmaking

    I'm not reinventing the wheel by any means ,just keep it simple and into one direction (cheeters and hackers are for another topic) Don't get me wrong this is very important ,but is for another topic .
  9. Evningcome

    I Think I Have A Solution For A World War Matchmaking

    Another one ....come on.... They couldn't figured out by now, or they think that already get that . Indeed it's a very simple one (and no Im not asking Nexon to change anything in their coding and formulas to make it work) .Then how it might be so simple ? I'm about to tell you but you need stay...
  10. Evningcome

    Nexon is on the wrong way

    Another confirmation ,..when you see F2P eastern MMO game simply don't waste time ,this is my piece of advice:)
  11. Evningcome

    Cold War Update Mega Thread! Discuss here!

    Lack of population is your answer
  12. Evningcome

    Cold War Update Mega Thread! Discuss here!

    Like Jim Morrison says :This is the end, beautiful friend This is the end, my only friend, the end Of our elaborate plans, the end Of everything that stands, the end No safety or surprise, the end I'll never look into your eyes, again Can you picture what will be, so limitless and free...
  13. Evningcome

    Nexon and cheaters

    That's why CoC have that population :) simple as that
  14. Evningcome

    Beware Double Crown Offers

    And why you thinking that post in this forum will help ?
  15. Evningcome

    Nexon and the future???

    Dream on ....dream on :) evergreen :))))
  16. Evningcome

    War Academy last tactic slot resplenishing only at next login

    And it's been over 6 months ......this speak a volumes about BHG/Nexon reactions .....dont know what to do ,to laugh or to cry .
  17. Evningcome

    Upcoming Changes

    And how about make University cost no workers (like in library) ,this is a demand ,not this ala-bala dust in the eyes
  18. Evningcome

    Sneak peak at Cold War Buildings

    And actually there will be whole new world full of new Card Troops (some old one will have CWA status) and you are not excited !?!?!
  19. Evningcome

    How to save Dominations

    Sell it to Supercell they know what to do with it :))))))
  20. Evningcome

    the escalation problem

    You are aware of the fact that last 3 square of forest require 21 days :) so what you think this last line of forest would require a month per square ? :))) (And I also think that workers can be slightly increase from 3 to 5 let's say)