• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. edwsin

    2 odds on the pic

    As the title said: 1. The medal is not make any sense, 82-622..???? the korean alliance have more better defense buildings, and troops. 2. The korean alliance does not have a name on it...???? Anyone can explain this..? I spent moneys on this game please administrator get fix on this.
  2. edwsin

    Dominations cannot run in emulator

    Hi everyone, I just installed latest memu play 3.0.8 and installed dominations, but when try to load the game it gets stuck loading, and my userid is "-1" and tried other emulator and same results. Is this new security made by nexon..? or was it just my computer need to be fix...?
  3. edwsin

    Attack stars change at the end of the attack

    NOT A BIG DEAL???!!! WHEN WE HAVE SPENT OUR CASH ON THE GAME????!!!! i think its a big fu#@king problem, customer satisfaction should be TOP PRIORITY!!!!
  4. edwsin

    Attack stars change at the end of the attack

    And we should have won the last war
  5. edwsin

    Attack stars change at the end of the attack

    Dear nexon please explain how the hell is this happen
  6. edwsin

    cannot play ini emulator again

    hellooo... Is there anyone that can play using emulator after the latest update...? I cannot play anymore using memu, droid4x,bluestack :( Any suggestion anyone...? Best Regards, Edwsin
  7. edwsin

    Update Notes: v.4.0.x

    the main thing you guys forget is: replay mode for WW (attack and get attack replay video mode) this is what we all gamers need to have, so we can know which is the week point on our base and how did our base defeted. Hope you guys really consider about this feature. Best Regards
  8. edwsin

    The AI need to be fix ASAP!!!

    Do you see anything stupid..? Why the General is still trying to destroy the wall?????? while theres an open wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. edwsin

    Few Ideas might be consider!!

    hi, I have played this game for so long and love it very much, even though theres still some minor bugs on the game, but i have some ideas that maybe can make the game more exciting and fun, like: 1. Reply Attack/Defense during the world war 2. Live report when a base is being attack, so players...
  10. edwsin

    Which Major Feature that Nexon Should make it happen as soon as possible:

    Hi Denquin thanks for the info, i have edited the poll. Others lets vote yah ;) Cheers, Edward
  11. edwsin

    Very Inconsistent game

    I know and i appriciate the developers and i do also have the rights to complain since i also already spent much money on this game. Please Developers could you kindly read my comment and take action.
  12. edwsin

    Very Inconsistent game

    Hi, I very enjoyed playing this game a lot, but there is 3 things that very drive me nuts almost insane actually, which is: 1. The cost upgrade is very....very...very...incosistent 2. The buy cost is also very....very...very...incosistent 3. The newer upgrade cost is very....very....very insane...
  13. edwsin

    Upgrade cost reduce it please

    cmoon guys need ur support on this one, so the developers need to understand the players :D :) ;)
  14. edwsin

    Upgrade cost reduce it please

    Hi, I play the game very often, and i enjoy it everytime i played. But when i reached the gunpowder age, and i checked the cost for the upgrade is sooooooo amazing :o The cost is very2 jumpy if you compare in medieval age, please2 developer reduce the cost.
  15. edwsin

    WTF the upgrade cost is silly

    Please developer make the upgrade cost look normal :)
  16. edwsin

    WTF the upgrade cost is silly

    Hi Guys the latest update of this game is soooo silly, why??? Because the upgrade cost for the army, like nodachi samurai in gunpowder age suddenly changed from 1.800.000 and now 2.200.000. WTF man
  17. edwsin

    WTF the upgrade cost is silly

    Hi Guys the latest update of this game is soooo silly, why??? Because the upgrade cost for the army, like nodachi samurai in gunpowder age suddenly changed from 1.800.000 and now 2.200.000. WTF man
  18. edwsin

    Weird is it bug or what!!!!

    Hi, Check my screenshot images, it will tell you everything, and how is it damn possible????????