• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Master Contrail Program

    Nexon Dominations Reality Check

    Who appointed you the spokesman for Nexon/BHG? As far as I know you can play your ''story'' without ever going to the forums. Each post has a title that gives a large clue as to what it entails. If they bother you so much then don't read them. What makes your pep rally cheerleading any more...
  2. Master Contrail Program

    Nexon Dominations Reality Check

    Yeah, I honestly have no problem with NTG'S on my atomic account. Of course I stay between 1200-2000 medals too. I'm sure it's far different in the fancy leagues having to depend on the whims of RNGesus to get things like silk and scrolls, rather than from nations that simply aren't...
  3. Master Contrail Program

    Nexon Dominations Reality Check

    The airplane training thing is singlehandedly destroying the enjoyment I get from this game. I suppose it's not singlehanded, it's in conjunction with the awful AI that hasn't been improved in years and the fact that they spent all of 2017 pumping up defense and nerfing things like tactics. 24...
  4. Master Contrail Program

    Campaign for the Training blessing to apply to all Airstrip troops!

    Bump. Start the new year off right, devs.
  5. Master Contrail Program

    Nexon is on the wrong way

    I had 2 back to back, then it asked for the "Are you still here?" code within minutes of booting the game up this morning.
  6. Master Contrail Program

    Nexon is on the wrong way

    I'm sure the game will last, even at 10k/day revenue. It's not like BHG works on this game exclusively. So they'll dedicate a skeleton crew for a few hours a week maintain it. I wouldn't expect much in the way of fixes, security upgrades, balancing or innovation though. I also wouldn't be...
  7. Master Contrail Program

    How is throwing out 7 decoys supposedly more skillful than using 7 sabos?

    I find betrayals useful on bases with EA stuffed strongholds, of course someone has to be a sacrificial lamb to find that out first. Unless the alliance name is in Cyrillic, then it's a safe bet. I liked protect, but like you said, since splitting forces to deal with silos is pretty much...
  8. Master Contrail Program

    How is throwing out 7 decoys supposedly more skillful than using 7 sabos?

    They last 3 times as long. They can occupy even more buildings if they're crammed together, in addition to troops. They pop traps which is something sabos don't do. The only real concern with them is antitank guns but that's somewhat negated by the fact that they only take one space. And, of...
  9. Master Contrail Program

    Should raiders really be able to steal all they do?

    A whole retrain in 10 minutes seems a bit much, but cutting training times in half across the board seems reasonable. The traps thing is what annoys me the most. Especially combined with howitzers tendency to blunder off on their own after what's ''closest''. There really is very little...
  10. Master Contrail Program

    Should raiders really be able to steal all they do?

    Yes, the forums abound with tales of your prowess. I'm also a cowboy billionaire astronaut on the internet, just sayin'.
  11. Master Contrail Program

    Should raiders really be able to steal all they do?

    Everything below 1600 medals in atomic age is a raider wasteland these days. Maybe 1 out of 20 attacks there is a full attack, the bulk are exactly what's described by Mountainking. I can't stand them either and I think wall miners are stupidly overpowered compared to the actual cost of wall...
  12. Master Contrail Program

    Campaign for the Training blessing to apply to all Airstrip troops!

    I would love to hear the devs' reasoning behind these ridiculous times, from a gameplay sense. From a business sense they obviously want us getting frustrated and coughing up 40+ crowns for retraining. All while they keep adding more and more defensively to boot. Funny thing about frustration...
  13. Master Contrail Program

    Medal dropping

    Probably because the medals have to go somewhere. You can't just dump 500 medals on some random base and call it a day.
  14. Master Contrail Program

    Nations Rebalance

    Who are you going to believe? Nexon/BHG or your lying eyes? Hell, all it takes is to look at the makeup of most alliances past a certain glory threshold to see how imbalanced nations are. Lot of Anglophiles playing this game for some inexplicable reason.
  15. Master Contrail Program

    Nations Rebalance

    Or imbalance between tactics. Sabotage is repeatedly nerfed, but magical balloons that can't be popped by artillery shells, last one third of a battle and can be flung everywhere are totally cool.
  16. Master Contrail Program

    Nations Rebalance

    ''It Is A Mystery To Me Why..........''; is probably on the company letterhead. If not, it should be.
  17. Master Contrail Program

    Stop sandbagging!!

    Yeah, I have an atomic, an industrial, and a gunpowder account. The IA gets to be useful in half our wars, the GPA maybe 20% at best. Mostly due to stronghold stuffing. Hard for 95 troops to deal with 140 instantly reverse clowncarring out of one building.
  18. Master Contrail Program

    Stop sandbagging!!

    I don't know, my man. They kept that Road to Nowhere post up for a year and what came of it? Nothing. If you go in full strength 80% or more of matches will be sandbaggers once you past certain war size and glory thresholds. The best way I've found is to sandbag yourself. I don't mean...
  19. Master Contrail Program

    Stop sandbagging!!

    I can't say I agree completely. The game already has significant roadblocks to attracting and retaining new players. Sure, hardcore folk can get to that point in about a month. But it may take casuals and mega maxers three months or more to get there. I would assume there are a few newbie...
  20. Master Contrail Program

    Stop sandbagging!!

    I personally find sandbagging distasteful but that's entirely on the devs by this point, rather than alliances who do it. There is no way they are incapable of fixing the game's issues, so the obvious conclusion is they're unwilling to do so. If your group is making a serious push for that...