• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Wilhelm

    Cannot log in

    Same here.... I initially thought it was me ...I smell compensation
  2. Wilhelm

    Stronghold: Introduction!

    If I might add It will be useless too They might decide to put crowns on war replays 100 crowns 1st, 200 crowns 2nd replay And so on...
  3. Wilhelm

    Team Alliance

    No Title We might be new and still growing, But we are winning!
  4. Wilhelm

    Team Alliance

    No Title Two world wars and we're winning! We hope to continue in this winning streak Join us now if you're interested ​Team Alliance
  5. Wilhelm

    Team Alliance

    No Title Second World War
  6. Wilhelm

    Team Alliance

    No Title First world war
  7. Wilhelm

    Team Alliance

    We are now 15, New members still welcome
  8. Wilhelm

    War Replays

    I just hope Nexon is seeing this...
  9. Wilhelm

    Advanced Strategies.

    That's what I'm talking about!!!... And with those resources invested in attack... You can revenge Just like when I was in gunpowder age... A fellow "ager" attacked me with Ballistas... I revenged only to see strong walls and towers... But with my upgraded attack... Bombards bring down towers...
  10. Wilhelm

    University upgrades, worth or not?

    Cleared up post... I accept my wrong mistake ​​​​
  11. Wilhelm

    Need Help (Blacksmith troop upgrade)

    And that's what makes those "less useful" troops most useful The main infantry.... Is cheap and fast to train... When you need loot desperately and quickly... I tell you, Raiders will seem to take hours I don't mind losing medals just to get millions of food in 30minutes!!!.[seriously I've done...
  12. Wilhelm

    Biggest fish - looking for members!

    Sorry man..
  13. Wilhelm

    Good Alliance to join: secret tips and artillery!

    Thanks... I am now raiding any enlightenment and gunpowder base with this.. 3 horse...3 cannon...2 healers....20 shooters....12 Heavy landsknechts Coupled with Teutonic fury and armour and weapon blessing Tactics...3 sabotage and 1 protect... I retrain almost all my horses and landsknechts all...
  14. Wilhelm

    Team Alliance

    We have 5 members and need 5 more for World War... Ranks are being awarded until the 10th person
  15. Wilhelm

    Team Alliance

    Hello all viewing this, We are an alliance looking for members You can check us out of you need an alliance Or if your alliance is small and wish to merge Team Alliance
  16. Wilhelm

    Nutty About War

    Join us... Team Alliance Requirements Language English Activity Log in At least daily Level Any level
  17. Wilhelm

    War Phoenix!! An active alliance that wins as a team!

    Join us... Team Alliance Requirements Language English Activity Log in At least daily Level Any level
  18. Wilhelm

    Biggest fish - looking for members!

    Cleared up post
  19. Wilhelm

    Biggest fish - looking for members!

    Cleared up the post
  20. Wilhelm

    Searching for Individual Players

    Player search will be cool I can't search for my friend, only His allaince and if I don't know it then he's lost FOREVER Not good to me