That's what I'm talking about!!!...
And with those resources invested in attack... You can revenge
Just like when I was in gunpowder age... A fellow "ager" attacked me with Ballistas... I revenged only to see strong walls and towers...
But with my upgraded attack... Bombards bring down towers...
And that's what makes those "less useful" troops most useful
The main infantry....
Is cheap and fast to train...
When you need loot desperately and quickly... I tell you, Raiders will seem to take hours
I don't mind losing medals just to get millions of food in 30minutes!!!.[seriously I've done...
Thanks... I am now raiding any enlightenment and gunpowder base with this..
3 horse...3 cannon...2 healers....20 shooters....12 Heavy landsknechts
Coupled with Teutonic fury and armour and weapon blessing
Tactics...3 sabotage and 1 protect...
I retrain almost all my horses and landsknechts all...
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