• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

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  1. Tedi925

    New update removes players from alliances and deletes alliances

    Even with testing in past with some players they release bugged version and they even didn't listen tester's. They live in some different universe.
  2. Tedi925

    DomiNations Winter for the Ages 2025

    @Harlems369th @TheWise @BHGAustin and all BHG. Resource discount doesn't mean so big advantage in game. Better will be TIME discounts for upgrading. Especially now with opportunity to easy start new base , time discount will be very good help for all smaller player.
  3. Tedi925

    DomiNations Update 12.13 - Squadrons

    @Harlems369th when you will make defensive coalition against barrack troops?
  4. Tedi925

    DomiNations Update 12.13 - Squadrons

    Let me cry little bit. New councilor with so much paratrooper dmg and hp with help of generals with huge hp and dmg is horrible for defense. Please consider minimize stats on Nobunaga council. Otherwise great changes with paratroopers and finally reducing recon. Finally little help for...
  5. Tedi925

    DomiNations Update 12.2 - Museum Loadouts

    @Harlems369th @TheWise when will you finally close external server(troops, buildings, museum artefact search) and air troop SH exploit bug? And when you will start permament bans on those same people using that ?
  6. Tedi925

    Marco's Legendary Vault

  7. Tedi925

    February Legendary Calendar

  8. Tedi925


    I know they wont, but like that they will not leave big alliances to small and it will stop glory sniping. Just removing glory is nothing seriously, but taking perks and parliament from inactive or abandoned alliance sound perfect to me.
  9. Tedi925


    I hope also for some good changes.
  10. Tedi925


    And what is now good in that glory cut? They moved that alliance from position 38 to 72. And now when they come back they will get more glory from teams between 38-72. Again glory sniping helped with BHG. The only punishment for those aliiance is glory to 0, parliament to 0 and perks to 0.
  11. Tedi925


    Don't belive nothing what wise man say.
  12. Tedi925


    Why did you stop with glory decay? You need to punish those alliances also with taking their parliament and perks, not just glory down. If you take just glory you are actually helping them to snipe even more glory. Team from top 100 with no war for a month.
  13. Tedi925

    February Legendary Calendar

    Hilarious. So you will not never offer good one for 300. So it will be chance of % for group of legendaries. I will never spend 300 tokens to get legendary what I already have. Why you don't create shop for tokens and put all available legendaries for 400,500,600,700,800 depending on stats and...
  14. Tedi925

    Request to get rid of Manufactory production limit

    They want you to be online in game more. So that's why is limit and I don't have and don't see any problem with that limit. And limit is 100 per slot. If you put on 2 slot you have 200. 4 slot same material and limit is on 400. Be clever, over night put platinum (4h) and in day time try to...
  15. Tedi925

    Hobart's Funnies - Week Ahead 12/11

    2 apple x 2 = ? But, who cares anyway.
  16. Tedi925

    manufactory advantage a lot auto age over others! it's not fair

    Don't cry too much, not good for health.
  17. Tedi925

    Hobart's Funnies - Week Ahead 12/11

    That is not logical. Materials are sorted by 10pcs. We can't produce less than 10. But OK, BHG logic in maths is never logic.
  18. Tedi925

    Hobart's Funnies - Week Ahead 12/11

    It doesn't say =. It's say x. And if you know when you press material it say amount produced 10 and you can't produce 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 pcs. You can produce only 10. So it's logical amount of material(which is 10) should be multiplied with number outside.