• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Ramesses the Great

    Donation bug is back - again

    The disappearing donations bug is back again since a couple weeks. Donations don't arrive half the time. True pain donating 3 times in a row for an ally to do their war attack.
  2. Ramesses the Great

    DomiNations v9.12 Update

    It's a good idea to buff the barracks troops, not sure I like the Oil cost instead of Food. Food is already useless once you max walls. If everything costs Oil, might as well delete Food/Gold from the game. But, if the upgrade costs will be in Food, then it's acceptable overall. We gotta...
  3. Ramesses the Great

    BHG, are you kidding me with your random NTGs?

    It has become 5x worse now to get NTGs. Even the ones that used to be "easy" are equally hard now. Total failure.. Just increase the NTGs we get from battles to (4 + 2) instead of (3 + 1). 4 of the nation I'm attacking + 2 random NTGs (or the rarest/lowest one in the player's storehouse)...
  4. Ramesses the Great

    BHG, are you kidding me with your random NTGs?

    I just can't imagine the design logic behind this NTG update. Some NTGs were hard to come by because their corresponding nations are so bad hardly anyone ever picks them. Japanese, Korean, Greeks. So now I finally find a Japanese base, I attack it, and I get a most available NTG that I'm already...
  5. Ramesses the Great

    Donation bug is back - again

    Good news. Looks like the bug was fixed with the latest chat reset yesterday. We haven't had it happen since then. I hope this time it stays fixed :-)
  6. Ramesses the Great

    A letter to CEO Tim Train

    I agree. But, I find it ironic we have to reach out to the CEO to "communicate" our feedback. The game almost has 0 channels of true support/feedback from players.
  7. Ramesses the Great

    Donation bug is back - again

    To be clear: 90% of our donation requests are bugged. When this bug first happened (months ago), I explained this to VIP: NOT all alliances are affected. Some alliances have it really bad (20-30% is my guess) Almost every other donation gets wasted and we have to redo it. Being online used to...
  8. Ramesses the Great

    Donation bug is back - again

    Still happening. Worse as ever. For us it's almost half the time donations disappear. Something so simple...
  9. Ramesses the Great

    DomiNations v9.7 Checks and Balances

    Info+Tubman lag bug is still not fixed for anyone... Also a reminder, as a leader for years, I tell you the game won't grow until upgrade times/costs are substantially reduced for below-AA. New players will always lose interest or find a different game. Make it weeks. Fix major bugs like...
  10. Ramesses the Great

    Donation bug is back - again

    Soon after I made this post, the bug was gone for a while. But since yesterday, it started happening again to my players. Really not entertained to request 4 times in a row, BHG.
  11. Ramesses the Great

    Donation bug is back - again

    Donations in our alliance are disappearing half the time. It happened a while ago and was fixed. Then started again this week and just got worse today... dreadful bug..
  12. Ramesses the Great

    DomiNations V9.4 Instant Retrain Update

    Still waiting for a fix for the Info Age Tubman lag bug. Reported to VIP 8+ months ago. Last time I contacted VIP about it, I was told it's "being worked atm". That was 2 months ago! Also is Josh being replaced in VIP? Normal CS is not doing enough about cheaters.
  13. Ramesses the Great

    The Art of War v9.1 Update

    Does this leaderboard include all players who donated or just the top 10 like before? TheWise For alliance leaders it's way more important to see the list of all donators not just the top 10. - Also is the disappearing donations bug fixed? This one is very very frustrating for alliances... -...
  14. Ramesses the Great

    Lag Fixed?

    I tried my older devices, and they're still very sluggish on Dominations (they run some games OK). I don't expect they plan to improve performance for older devices, I was kinda told so by CS months ago. My new one works fine, no change noticed.
  15. Ramesses the Great

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    We're having a similar experience to wrathchild_78. First time ever our team of 2DA matches against 8DA (a top 20 team, who we reported and "2 cheaters were found"). Our whole premise is that we stay low weight and no heavy defensive bases, so not fun when we keep matching much heavier top...
  16. Ramesses the Great

    Regulating ‘loot boxes’

    I agree with your post. Unfortunately, DomiNations has chosen the P2W path a couple years ago, with the shift towards premium TT and War Museum. What worsens the problem is the fact that their pricing is ridiculous. Hundreds/thousands of $ are needed, and often spent by top heavy teams to...
  17. Ramesses the Great

    More Alliance Perks Levels Please

    The suggestion isn't bad in principle but with 2 crucial notes on my part: 1- Must reduce AXP requirements for lower perk levels before adding new ones. Otherwise, new alliances would have a really hard life catching up. 2- Reworking some of the perks to fit the times. Perk 10 and 15 should...
  18. Ramesses the Great

    We should be able to inactivate TC Donations and Generals on defense

    This a QoL improvement. It helps alliances that use "best donations for war" without having 10 DA around to donate Factory troops that take 10-40m to train once. "Castle" is because if you lose your generals *on defense* while they're upgrading in armory, there's no way to get them back. So...
  19. Ramesses the Great

    We should be able to inactivate TC Donations and Generals on defense

    I'm sure others must've requested this before. It's easy to implement and would make donations a lot better. Sleep or Guard modes for Castle/TC. That way we can decide if generals/donations would spawn on defense or not. Going off for 15m and coming back to dead generals before a war attack...
  20. Ramesses the Great

    Please put an end to the trollgramming in regards to NTG's.

    Agreed. Also, recently there was another thread with good suggestions. The NTG grind needs to be improved. Currently, not good.