• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. U

    Dream teams ... A new trend?

    In our alliance we have compared bases that are otherwise identical besides the economic buildings, and the ones with higher economic buildings are ranked higher. The FAQ may say the are not counted, and they may not have been counted originally, but they are definitely counted now.
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    Dream teams ... A new trend?

    Sometime between global and glory releases they changed the calculation process and economic buildings were given more weight. Economic buildings are definitely counted towards your war base's "strength" value.
  3. U

    Something wrong with victory chest quest?

    The daily timer resets at a specific time and counts ONLY stars gained AFTER the daily event starts. So if you are in the middle of a battle and the daily timer resets, it will only count the stars you get as you receive them, not as a bundle of 4 or 5 stars from your battle.
  4. U

    Sandbagging - Nexon Responses

    Should be well within range, we have gotten a few matches with up to 20 difference between level averages
  5. U

    Don't Bother vs. Base Stackers

    Noone really cared about stacking as it impacted them, until teams with global age started mixing with iron ages. This was done because of the stalemate issue for top teams. Address the stalemate issue and the top players will not have any reason to add weaker players to increase odds of...
  6. U

    Specific question on Teutonic Fury

    When you deploy your troops you should see the buff above their heads. Edit: the fury bonus also is never reflected in your troops statistics in game, but when you deploy your troops after a victory you can see the fury icon above their head, and it definitely increases the damage of your...
  7. U

    Best General?

    Depends on your nation in my opinion. If you are a nation with unique rifles, I would suggest maxing out your high HP generals(Joan, Alex and Churchill). If you are a nation with unique tanks(French or Greek) I would go for damage dealing generals(Macarthur and Nobunaga). Napoleon is an awesome...
  8. U

    How can u possibly win every single war?

    With 6 tactics, blitzkrieg and strength of gladiator and Max air capacity, all you need is max troops that you use(tanks, rifles, Healers, Howitzers and engineer) and it's possible to take down any base. Obviously mercenaries and generals make it even easier. They can be beaten by even French...
  9. U

    Nexon can you help us understand your stance on war issues?

    The incorrect % bug still exists. It no longer effects war outcomes though, which is what we all fought for.
  10. U

    I propose a?

    Try climbing higher in medals. At a certain point, people will attack you solely for medals. If they are going for medals they will attempt to 5 star you. This might not apply if you aren't global age, but if your medals and oil are high enough you will definitely get attacked by at least...
  11. U

    I propose a?

    If you want to test your war base, make it your multiplayer base and climb up to empire/dynasty league. You will see people use full tactics/armies to take down your base(assuming it's strong enough)
  12. U

    State of the Nations: Mr Suplex Edition!

    The replay system is flawed because it is not a recording, but a play through based on the troop deployments, rallies and tactics. If they implemented the same system that is used in multiplayer mode, you would see war replays of a five star attack that show the enemy getting wiped. There is...
  13. U

    Max Oil Looted

    When Global was first introduced there was no cap at 4k, so most of those numbers you see are from before the change. Also, you can loot 75%? of the oil from oil wells, as well as 5% of oil in the command post. I think if I remember correctly we calculated it to roughly 7500 is the max...
  14. U

    Nexon can you help us understand your stance on war issues?

    The system is so flawed that a team of players who get perfect scores vs every opponent they face can't even reach the top 50. That should be enough for all of you to agree that the system is broken. If we all agree it's broken, why do you care how teams go about forcing the change? If every...
  15. U

    Nexon can you help us understand your stance on war issues?

    Sorry S_How, we played Project Tera twice in the last week or so at 35v35. They had no iron Age accounts, but we had 5 or so. We stalemated both matches, but it appears they are now trying to avoid stalemates by using the same method as us.
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    Nexon can you help us understand your stance on war issues?

    I'd rather have inactive iron age bases than obvious cheaters with level 40 Churchill. VZ must be seriously desperate for recruits.
  17. U

    Nexon can you help us understand your stance on war issues?

    You guys realize the fastest way to get change implemented is to clearly show the flaws in the system correct? Yes it sucks for now that this is how it is, but it's the system Nexon implemented and will continue to remain until enough people complain and they change it. Instead of being mad at...
  18. U

    Cannot Join a League

    I've been battling all day and occasionally when battle ends I'll be in a league, but as soon as I open ANY window the league icon and boat vanished. I'm still not listed as in a league.
  19. U

    Question for those playing on an Android.

    Think there was a memory leak introduced in the most recent patch. I used to be able to play for hours without the game bogging down, but lately I need to relaunch app every hour or two to prevent the lag from becoming unplayable.
  20. U

    How to achieve >100% destruction in wars

    I can confirm they fixed the 100%+ glitch effecting war outcomes. We just had a stalemate with a 101% vs a 102% and no glory was gained or lost.