• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Xerxes

    Why do not you make medals ?

    I agree with you. I only log on 2 or 3 times a day, and almost never spend more than 15 minutes or so at a time. I mostly log on to make war attacks, collect resources, and check on the progress of upgrades. When I was starting out, the one thing I absolutely despised was waking up to find that...
  2. Xerxes

    Diamond mine for 500 crowns? Are you kidding me?

    Of course, if they had introduced some ruby items this week, everyone would be complaining that they cost more rubies than could possibly have been collected since rubies were released. Isn't there enough legitimate stuff to complaint about?
  3. Xerxes


    Or how about something even simpler. If a player fails to attack during war, the player is automatically set to "OUT" and can't be added back to the war roster without opting back in. This wouldn't stop all sandbagging of course, but it would significantly curtail it, I think, based on the fact...
  4. Xerxes

    TC howitzers deploying after TC sabotaged

    Was the TC sabotaged before initially being triggered? Or after being initially triggered but before the defender-spawn bar fills up? It has always been the case that alliance-donated defenders spawn the instant the TC is triggered, unlike the TC foot soldier defenders that only spawn once the...
  5. Xerxes

    How about new troops for full air attacking?

    Why? So the game can be further ruined by rendering 3/4 of the defensive buildings useless? This is a terrible idea.
  6. Xerxes

    Friendly Challenges temporarily disabled

    The garbled base bug is easily fixed by going into the base editor and selecting the correct layout. The problem is the hotfix automatically selected and applied an old, invalid layout. Just change it back and you'll be fine.
  7. Xerxes

    Reworking of the nations

    Collecting your own NTG once per day would be a great fix that wouldn't imbalance the game, IMO. It would both make it slightly easier to obtain rare NTGs and incentivize players to switch to those nations so that their NTGs become slightly less rare.
  8. Xerxes

    Serveres down?

    Nexon accidentally nerfed their own servers!
  9. Xerxes

    Dismiss unwanted troop

    Has anyone else noticed that it's darn near impossible to actually dismiss warbase troops? You can tap the button and it *looks* like they've left, but they stay there. You have to do it over, and over, and over, and over, and over.... Even then they only seem to leave one at a time.
  10. Xerxes

    Heritage research

    Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but can anyone tell me whether Heritage chapter 2 further reduces the tech/unit upgrade costs provided by Notre Dame?
  11. Xerxes

    Last Weekend's H2H on DomiNations Prime

    We had a great time! We were soundly vanquished by Tactical War, but it was a clean war, it was great being able to communicate with our opponents, and we're looking forward to a rematch in the not-too-distant future!
  12. Xerxes


    Decoy is also useful for drawing heavy tanks away from anti-tank guns and congregating them in one place so you can betray 2-3 at once.
  13. Xerxes

    Garisson = Useless

    Garrisons protect against tank-only attackers, as the defending infantry easily overwhelm and neutralize tanks if the attacker doesn't have supporting troops to fend them off. Plus, with the new atomic age update that makes siege units habitually wander off on their own, they are now quickly...
  14. Xerxes

    Iron Base Stacking - Aussie Shred Experience

    Vixen, I saw a thread about discord but couldn't figure out how to use it or what to do. Is there a detailed explanation somewhere?
  15. Xerxes

    Iron Base Stacking - Aussie Shred Experience

    I know, I know, this theme has been done to death. But it helps to vent steam every now and then, and I figure this is as good a place as any to name and shame some gutless sandbaggers. So without further ado, I present to you Russian Style: (Screenshots were taken with about 4 hours left to go)
  16. Xerxes


    There's a blessing for that. Or alternatively, learn to raid without them. If that doesn't work, then go ahead and log off so the rest of us can attack you. ;-)
  17. Xerxes

    Lack of assault infantry in attacks...

    That's because they're a useless waste of troop space unless you have low medals and can afford to carry them around for mop-up duty.
  18. Xerxes

    A bug in "Revenge"?

    I suspect there is also something not working right server side. Think about it: As we play the game, our devices periodically poll the server and transmit update info so progress is saved, but it's not a continual read/write. That's why network issues are suddenly magnified when you try to...
  19. Xerxes

    French army

    Is this for war or for regular raiding? Either way I use 4 tanks, 5 siege, 2 healers, and the rest shooters. 3 triplanes. No footies or raiders (unnecessary). Unless it's war, I don't use alliance troops, mercs, or generals, and I rarely use tactics.
  20. Xerxes

    No Diamond

    This bug is so obvious that CS will give you 300 crowns for reporting it, without even requesting a screenshot first or pretending that maybe you did something wrong.