Well Said SH!! This is why Our Alliance is So Amazing and would Never Want Any Otheris because the Rest of Us Co-Leaders all Bring a Different Aspect to the Alliance. And Being Well Spoken with a Solid Suggestion is your Strong Suit!! As I would Prob Just Tick People Off to make the Same Point...
Come Join in on the Fun with a TRUE 85-90% War Record where the Only thing we do Faster than Help New Members Excel Is Donations!! Worldwide Alliance so Always Someone On and a Great Team Building Atmosphere!! Few Spots Open and they are going Fast!! See you on the Battlefields!! "KingDavidK"
Hey Hey!! I am on Now!! VERY Great and Active Alli and would LOVE to Have You if what you are looking for!! Warning.....Title is Serious...."Worthy are Welcome"!! Are YOU Worthy??