• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. da_king1669

    Nexon can you help us understand your stance on war issues?

    Well Said SH!! This is why Our Alliance is So Amazing and would Never Want Any Otheris because the Rest of Us Co-Leaders all Bring a Different Aspect to the Alliance. And Being Well Spoken with a Solid Suggestion is your Strong Suit!! As I would Prob Just Tick People Off to make the Same Point...
  2. da_king1669

    Join BLAH BLAH Alliance BLAH BLAH Awesome

    Clint........send u a message Bro!! Silence is in Bad Shape Man!! May want to reach out to him!! Ready to have u back Dude!! Have Fun!!
  3. da_king1669

    Join BLAH BLAH Alliance BLAH BLAH Awesome

    Come Join in on the Fun with a TRUE 85-90% War Record where the Only thing we do Faster than Help New Members Excel Is Donations!! Worldwide Alliance so Always Someone On and a Great Team Building Atmosphere!! Few Spots Open and they are going Fast!! See you on the Battlefields!! "KingDavidK"
  4. da_king1669

    Join BLAH BLAH Alliance BLAH BLAH Awesome

    Hey Hey!! I am on Now!! VERY Great and Active Alli and would LOVE to Have You if what you are looking for!! Warning.....Title is Serious...."Worthy are Welcome"!! Are YOU Worthy??