• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Wendy

    A land before time

    I know! i swear i don't want to it's just stronger then me!
  2. Wendy

    What is going on?

    Kam we did something very simple and we are having so much fun. We restarted the alliance: we don't care about glory, as it's a fake and bugged sistem. we don't use troop cards or sandbags. We play the war the sistem gives us just for fun. We have won against a lot of bagging teams so far...
  3. Wendy

    A land before time

    that's just a strange assumption Angel forever. So basically you say without you wasting money on the game there would be no game? How come Coc Exist without toops sales? Game would exist anyway because people buy crowns, estate, starting packs. man the world doesnt move around you. spend your...
  4. Wendy

    A land before time

    Angel forever are you so scared that sandbagging will be fixed and your team gets back to nowhere land as it used to be before you adopted this so called "strategy"? Strategy means get the best results from the people you have and the opponent you are facing imho. A war where you are by far...
  5. Wendy

    June State of the Nations!

    yep, it was just curiosity, i just finished upgrading 4 stables to level 10, starting again it's not my priority right now!
  6. Wendy

    What is going on?

    Why the hell has this become a sandbagging thread? this was a thread related to a bug of the game. we are not interested in your opinion about sandbagging Angel forever. Kam1983 You should not stop warring imho. What happened to your team is a shame, all i can think of is despite the average...
  7. Wendy

    What is going on?

    i want to point out that your team defeated mine. You used a lot of bags! And as this kind of mismatch was not enough, you filled half of the sh, and wasted a lot of troop cards in attack too, for a war you already won in planning day. So basically  your plan is:   -lower your level using fake...
  8. Wendy

    What is going on?

    how is sandbagging related to this? their alliance lost because of some bug. Angel, some alliance don't need bags to win. Seen the result of the war, kam alliance does not.
  9. Wendy

    What is going on?

    time tiebreaker is offline the 104% directly becomes 100% when war ends..before they fixed this alliances won wars because of it still don't understand why you lost with same average destruction
  10. Wendy

    What is going on?

    did you have a result showing more than 100%? in that case it goes back to 100% at the end of the war. if that's not the case nexon ows you a good explanation! anyway i tought same average destructions meant stalemate
  11. Wendy

    June State of the Nations!

    any new on when this new update will be released? TinSoldier
  12. Wendy

    2 days searching war

    thanks vix but no need, seriously, i don't want this to keep going..it's absolutely pointless!! but still love ya!
  13. Wendy

    Credit where it's due!

    What katza?
  14. Wendy

    Credit where it's due!

    Are you Kazda? actually, with university not giving xp, two teams that look exactly the same could be at very different levels. Just throwing my two cents, don't mean to start endless discussions I think we all agree that with uni is impossible to state that two teams are same weighted even if...
  15. Wendy

    What's so Atomic about Atomic Age, Nexon?

    would be nice! maybe we could have to use oil to make it work so the building is not OP
  16. Wendy

    Credit where it's due!

    same here. We have an AA-IA alliance, we have had quick match with fair opponents so far.
  17. Wendy

    2 days searching war

    Omg I'm so scared!! How can I survive now that I clashed the wrong guy?!?! Am I in danger judomines? should I assume the free crowns the mod of the forum gave me just a few days ago are just to show me how not valuable I am? And just to be clear, be considered a value on dominations forum is...
  18. Wendy

    2 days searching war

    keep insulting, it only shows how poor minded you are. Man you already embarassed yourself when you attacked me without even reading my post, are you so sure you want to keep doing it?
  19. Wendy

    2 days searching war

    well happy you shared your experience and explained clearly the situation your team is facing. I do hope you can find a fair match soon and we all can keep playing this amazing game we are all into a lot. Believe me i really hope all those bugs will be fixed soon.
  20. Wendy

    2 days searching war

    KatZA, I've been playing for 1 and a half year with my team. i do consider them friends. And to answer your question, we have not been allowed to play togheter for months now. I was not allowed to play with my own brother and my best friend in real life because the 3 bases in the same roaster...