• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. phil_dee

    1.5 million per event?

    I haven't looked closely at any of the numbers, but--if it helps--the math seems off as it relates to money needed. For context, I currently have about 150k points after spending maybe $100 (and not all of that even went to speedups). I'm still sitting on about 26000 more points in speedups as...
  2. phil_dee


    For active players, the cost to contribute to various Parliament branches is less than the equity lost when raiding with full resources.
  3. phil_dee

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    Adding to all of the stuff above, and for context, we were matched against a 30v30 lineup which has a Space Age L260 base in the #30 spot. Our guy at #10 is his peer in our lineup, more or less. War in progress, current score 85-9. Good times.
  4. phil_dee

    Expand & Conquer v8.1 Update

    There's *an* update, but it appears it is not *the* update (unless I'm missing something).
  5. phil_dee

    How do people cheat?

    It appears that the technique, in practice, involves a highly specific strategy of doing it as blatantly as possible over several months and without much worry of punishment at all.
  6. phil_dee

    Muet, war matching is still broken

    We were paired with the same alliance twice in the last three wars, once before and once after the “fix” to this issue. It’s an epic mismatch.
  7. phil_dee

    Thanks from STILETTOS to Nexon for our war matchup :)

    Our #1 (Space Age, level 304 with a Bazooka Sentry) was cleared by the enemy #18 in our current war, after many of their bases also increased and decreased in age at will during Planning Day. Good times
  8. phil_dee

    War matching is terrible it was actually better before the changes that were made

    The war matching is also being actively manipulated via code (likely in an effort to exploit this Space Age weighting issue mentioned above), I just don't know how it's done. Yesterday we paired with a Russian alliance (30v30), immediately after being paired we saw they had 29 Space Age bases...
  9. phil_dee

    Please bring back 25 person wars

    ^^^^ this is brilliant
  10. phil_dee

    War matching is a joke no reason to play the game anymore

    There was a period (maybe December? January? Somewhere around there) when EVERY matchup was even, all of our wars were won or lost by less then ten points and everyone had to burn through troop tactics to remain competitive. I imagine it shouldn't be hard for Nexon to revert back to that...
  11. phil_dee

    Should you take advantage of Instant advance to next age or not?

    Worker-hours remain the game's most valuable and rare resource generally; with this, it seems very difficult to justify any strategy that does NOT take advantage of an instant Town Center upgrade.
  12. phil_dee

    CWA MP search update

    I just cycled through twenty MP bases to see what I could see...not a single Global base in there.
  13. phil_dee

    So with the latest Re-balances, which nations are the best starting from Atomic age?

    Not that much health, though--remember that it isn't a fully extra HT, it's an HT minus a bunch of stuff.
  14. phil_dee

    So with the latest Re-balances, which nations are the best starting from Atomic age?

    Romans isn't really +1 HT, though--it's +1 HT *minus* whatever you take away to make enough room to fit that HT. It's an extra fifteen spaces for advanced players; I can't think of ANY fifteen-space troop assortment that comes close to the value that Germans bring. Even if it WERE twenty-four...
  15. phil_dee

    Veterans benefit - write your account age here

    I started pretty early, I think it was May 2015? Account number somewhere in the 2.7M range
  16. phil_dee

    University extra workers glitch being exploited

    Adding to what is above re: if a building upgrade finishes--the extra workers also disappear when other university researches finish (you'll find that a portion of newly-freed workers end up joining whatever the extra workers were working on, so the numbers start to balance and bring you back to...
  17. phil_dee

    Can i play domination on my desktop

    There is an Android emulator that works very well for this on laptops, but the platform isn’t officially supported by Nexon (for what it’s worth).
  18. phil_dee

    Ditch the arrow please.

    I’d LOVE that arrow if it always points to the true center of war bases.
  19. phil_dee

    Super Heavy Tank

    I’m curious to know why we think this is a troop tactic? One of those images shows that it requires 25 troop spaces.
  20. phil_dee

    Share your war match here

    The mismatches will almost certainly be posted here more often than they actually occur game-wide. Surely Nexon has a better way of seeing which alliances face each other?