• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. GailWho

    DomiNations Update 12.14 - Tournament of Glory

    You didn’t read what I wrote. All of our matches have been with teams in Honorable division (the top division) and we are at the bottom of Renowned division soon to be demoted to Admirable and according to the dev’s interpretation of “matchmaking” we will keep matching with Honorable level teams...
  2. GailWho

    DomiNations Update 12.14 - Tournament of Glory

    After a few wars under our belt I have to say that matchmaking is not improving and I respectfully request that you implement Division rank as a parameter. Because we have heavy players we are matched with heavy teams in the uppermost division (many of whom pay to win, which we do not). When...
  3. GailWho

    DomiNations Update 12.14 - Tournament of Glory

    My apologies to those alliances. I didn’t understand how this whole thing worked. I thought maybe they were overlooked with the glory changes. Thanks for your prompt reply Harlem. 😊
  4. GailWho

    DomiNations Update 12.14 - Tournament of Glory

    @Harlems369th Why did the top 7 in Renowned group start out with 7838 glory and the rest of us started at 5500? It’s not fair that after our 1st war we have 2 stars and they started out at 5 stars with zero wars. Is it even possible to catch up to them?
  5. GailWho

    Restart Game with subscription

    Good to see you JB. Hope all is well with you. I actually played in a game that released a separate server with the basic game before all the bedazzling occurred so I think it would be possible. Although it was a game with several servers running simultaneously so maybe not.
  6. GailWho

    Restart Game with subscription

    Hi, It’s been a while since I created a post here. There was a time, years ago when I was quite active on the Forum. I think a lot of people, like me, aren’t feeling the excitement they once felt about the game. The game has gotten so complicated. I think the basic point of the game, nations...
  7. GailWho


    I approve of this message
  8. GailWho

    Welcome to the Drone Age

    I agree. I was looking forward to working in my library, parliament and uni again.
  9. GailWho

    Welcome to the Drone Age

    Is it me or does the “Drone Factory (working title)” seem like an afterthought due to the luke warm response of the Drone Age trailer? I mean is it a Drone factory or not? If they have fully thought this out wouldn’t it be more than a working title? Don’t get me wrong I’m interested in what this...
  10. GailWho

    New version of Forum

    Makes me sad. I worked hard several years ago to get my 10 bars. 😞 Now I barely ever come on here. Just wondering why they bothered to update it now after all these years. Would have been more helpful in year 1 or 2 when there was more traffic here. Oh well.
  11. GailWho

    Ten Bars Club

    I’m curious who’s left from the original bar flies in ten bars club? I’ve been away from forum for quite a while. We had some good times back in the day didn’t we?
  12. GailWho

    NTG Discussion: How to solve the NTG problem once and for all

    SomeRandomPlayer I like what you had to say! Spot on! I’d like to add to your point (and we’ve discussed this on a different server) about the sharing NTG requirements for the popular coalitions. If one of the two NTG required cost for any coalition was players choice that would alleviate a lot...
  13. GailWho

    Pick a Pin, Win a Pin!

    Or Elephant Archers
  14. GailWho

    Pick a Pin, Win a Pin!

    Fire breathing bunnies!
  15. GailWho

    Hobbit zombie’s 6 year anniversary

    Hobbit Zombies is looking for Info Age strikers to join our team to help take us to the next level. We’ve managed to claw our way to the threshold of the leaderboard and need more Zombies with a Hobbit attitude to help push our way to the top. Come be part of the next Zombie Apocalypse and...
  16. GailWho

    A tumbleweed rolls by

    Investigate it 13+3 for 16
  17. GailWho

    Hobbit zombie’s 6 year anniversary

    Thanks! Yes Hobbits are long lived... even the undead kind 😉
  18. GailWho

    Hobbit zombie’s 6 year anniversary

    HOBBIT ZOMBIES... a team that has stood the test of time turns 6 year today! Same name, same leader, many of the same great players for years. A friendly bunch who welcomes visitors with hobbit hospitality. We war back to back and have the experience and resources to help us Dominate! We are...
  19. GailWho

    What's your favorite DomiNations memory?

    Well Dominations has dominated my life over the past 6 years and there are so many stories I could tell from the time I was drawn into the Dominations universe and started Hobbit Zombies in April 2015. So many experiences with the friends I made over the years and this mutual experience of...
  20. GailWho

    Introducing our new Community Managers!

    Hello and welcome Ayo and @Leviathan. I’m GailWho playing with Wasted Potential. I have been playing since the beginning of the game and involved in the community just as long. Although I haven’t been around as much lately especially here on the forum. I’m looking forward to the things you...