• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. W1ll1am

    Another log in issue

  2. W1ll1am

    No citizen expeditions?

    Progression and Resource Update, have a read of the notes.
  3. W1ll1am

    https://xen.bighugegames.com/index.php?threads/constantly-spinning-circles.28394/ The cause of...

    https://xen.bighugegames.com/index.php?threads/constantly-spinning-circles.28394/ The cause of this annoying bug has been posted, if you didn't know already Best regards
  4. W1ll1am

    Speed-up requests causing the issue

    Yes while you have a alliance building speedup request in the chat window, when the request is filled the bug is gone.
  5. W1ll1am

    Constantly spinning circles

    WTF is going on with this bug! After nearly ever attack has finished you get the battle log screen, then at the troop retrain screen you get the spinning circles. At that point it doesn't matter how you try to retrain your troops they are lost due to the network timeout. Upon reloading the game...
  6. W1ll1am

    16 -18 Planes Cheat

    Counting the planes you see at any onetime on-screen is the only way to tell how many planes are used. The battle summary page at the end can't be trusted because planes that have NOT been killed in the original battle could die and be redeployed in the replay. Max 9 fighters if you have...
  7. W1ll1am

    Been banned for something you did not due

    Keep us posted of the outcome of the investigation, it would be interesting to hear what they say.
  8. W1ll1am

    Training Blessing

    It's works both ways. If you are training a full army dont place your training blessing until the first troop is nearly complete.
  9. W1ll1am

    Can’t upgrade Shipyard

    I wish I hadn't upgraded to level 13, the 5 new expeditions all offer the same things. 7 national trade goods corresponding to the city visited and a infantry/ shooter troop card that is bugged, iron age stats. 2 workers 1day 14hours to complete if you have the research done. IMO the space age...
  10. W1ll1am

    DomiNations v9.7 Checks and Balances

    The new shipyard level 13 expeditions are offering iron age troop cards.
  11. W1ll1am


    I can take a guess and say when the university was introduced into the game it was a rush job and to save time the code was never written.
  12. W1ll1am

    Not getting any ntgs

    I just opened a coalition chest from the event, and I did not receive the NTGs.
  13. W1ll1am

    Conductor lag

    The "Tubman" bug has been around 12 months or more, only affects android devices. Doesn't happen to ever android all the time. I only see the effect watching replays, not during a live attack were the frame rate drops to a crawl.
  14. W1ll1am

    Current event leaderboard

    Deep pockets
  15. W1ll1am

    Android 10 not compatible

    My two Android 10 devices slow down & stutter when the houses on a base with Tubman research completed are counting down to spawn. It seems after riflemen have spawned its fine again. ​​​​
  16. W1ll1am

    APC after University upgrades

    You don't actually get more troops on the ground. It only means more troops deployed per spawn, to a maximum of 6 per APC.
  17. W1ll1am

    1.5 million per event?

    Of course they are cheaters, it's nothing new. They play with modded apps & unlimited speed ups. They should get removed & band when the devs sweep the leaderboards, only for them to install a new modded app & repeat. There is no stopping it. They have a cloned server where they go and load up...
  18. W1ll1am

    Lag When Attacking Info Age Bases (android only)

    Yep same here with Samsung tab 6. Every base with Tubman complete, as soon as the houses start to spawn the frame rate drops to unplayable
  19. W1ll1am

    Information Age Bugs

    War weight bug is back with avengeance. Seems they haven't coded in the new Info Age Traps & bunkers and whatever else new that accounts to war weight. You will see all defenders with the new upgrades drop down the lineup. New age release, same silly mistakes. Your code must be a real mess!
  20. W1ll1am

    Information Age v9.0 Update

    Planes are flying so slowly now with this update, they are in danger of stalling.