whats funny is that you think you are a great player by using commando/bazooka strategy which every moron can use with great success and five star opponents 100 lvls higher :) i wanna see you use that combo vs a base that has tubman completed and a defensive museum. Then you will be the noob...
My favourite memory was when the missile silo came out. I deployed my troops just like i regularly used to do and boom in a second they were all gone. I was like ?!?!?!? and the following weeks were a nightmare. A LOT of battles ended in a couple of seconds, before I figured how to use generals...
jagadeeshgarapati its obvious you have no idea what you are talking about. Go join a random alliance and tell them to research it. 70% wont even read it, 30% wont care
The majority of alliances out there dont talk to each other and most importantly dont care about strategic upgrading and for that skill to be effective at least 50% war members need to have it and organizing such a feat in most smaller alliances is impossible
Whats up guys, long time no see.
Actually this post is not towards the domi players to whom i had nothing to say, thats why I hadnt visited the forum in a while. Its more towards the developers.
When the new leader came out, I was really excited about the SPY function. Especially the museum...
LordStark263AC I understand your frustration mate :/ you are all over the forum, all over facebook, commenting tryna build up your alliance, tryna find friends and all and just by looking at your alliance’s win loss ratio on domi.pl... its kinda sad you u know :D i know u hate me to see me win...
SomeRandomPlayer Pardon my French, kind sir, but there seems to be a misunderstanding :D
If we examine all the information available on this forum(some of which deleted) if it is true I have used external programs to gain resources and unlimited workers, that actually means i just login and...
This is for a 10 man war
Things you will need-
1 high defenses account (your defender) mine was atomic, if its higher would be even easier
2 max offense atomic
3 industrials with an interesting build
The atomic used ht attacks in wws, if opponent was too higher lvl - bazooka AR combo when it...
oh, how lovely, my alliance is mentioned at the end of the vid ^_^ thanxx friend, i knew i could count on you. too bad only 10 people read the alliance gate section and they are all leaders of alliances :/
helix900 because i have friends for which i care and am interested in being able to socialize with them whenever i want to, see photos of them on a regular basis and follow female body builders’ pages :P