Why isn't this being addressed? This is a BIG change. There is no acknowledgement of it. At the moment, there isn't even a "we are looking into it."
The only response is from TinSoldier who said engineering said it hasn't changed... and where he also explained to us that the tc's range is 8...
Hello? TinSoldier ?
Are you now acknowledging that it has changed? I think it is actually plus 3. I have seen screenshots that indicate that.
Hopefully you are.
Here is the thing: this change doesn't affect the game as much for those with planes and decoy.
HOWEVER for your newer players (you...
Thank you for reading and responding appropriately.
I'm not sure I agree though, but I could be wrong. Isn't it really about the bases you are matched with in MP and able to attack? Do they spawn more troops? I guess you get bunkers in IA. And, the number of defenders from ambush traps...
Reading isn't that hard...
I will quote myself and maybe this time you will be able to read it correctly:
"Ok, so the goals may be doable, but it seems odd the jump for global age players"
If you still don't get it, try sounding it out. I believe in you!
I think Nexon appeased the wrong people when dealing with this issue initially. Now there has been a great deal of attrition (whether from the game entirely or just from wars) due to mismatches (and other problems, among which being it is much harder to get the resources to war back to back and...
Ok, so the goals may be doable, but it seems odd the jump for global age players:
Industrial has to get 3,500 defenders
Global has to get DOUBLE industrial: 7,000 defenders
Atomic has to get 7,500 defenders
Not sure about the other ages. Maybe people can fill in.
BUT, it doesn't make sense...
Seriously? You want nexon programmers to spend time setting up a way for alliances to do exhibition matches? Waste of time compared to what they need to be working on.
I doubt anyone searches at 50v50 except for these exhibition matches... so it isn't a problem. Why address something that isn't...
KniferX, agreed.
AND, when you still have the town center donation bug. We were lucky enough to have the first war with this change to town center spawn radius to be against an alliance who also cheats and overloads their town centers. Not quite sure how to advise a low age player with a short...
@tin soldier, the range of the tc is supposed to be 8, 8 from the center which makes it 5 from the midpoint of each edge. You can click on the town center and it will show a giant white circle showing what supposedly is it's range. 5 from the edge, 8 from the center.
Here is the problem: it is...
Ok, so the tc spawn range has been increased by 2. No mention of this in update notes. The devs probably don't even know that it happened or the implications for people who actually play the game.
Get your sh*t together, nexon! (the * stands for FAIL, don't censor me.)
Wait, not done.
The fact that we can invade someone for NO REASON, kill them and steal their stuff... well, in real life, that isn't really acceptable is it?
Well, the sniper towers shoot medics... war crime.
They gave us the Plague Doctor for an event- biochemical warfare... war crime.
How about the current event where we get rewarded for killing defenders? Probably some of the defenders are children too... war crime.
Where is the outrage?