• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Nathan Win

    Farewell Dominations

    Dear fellow Dominators, When I started playing Dominations 1 year and 4 months ago, I set out to create a great alliance that everyone would enjoy being a part of. It took about 8 months for that goal to come into fruition. And after 1 year and 4 months, we became a great war alliance. Over...
  2. Nathan Win

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    We have 3 openings for war minded players who can contribute
  3. Nathan Win

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    We have 2 openings for those who want to war and improve
  4. Nathan Win

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    We have openings for good war players to join us.
  5. Nathan Win

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    Join the winning war alliance, we have room.
  6. Nathan Win

    Missing tactics

    I have reported disappearing tactics in the past. I haven't report for this incident yet.
  7. Nathan Win

    Missing tactics

    I thought this issue would be solved after a few updates, but apparently it didn't. I noticed that everytime I have some event troops from an event, it would make my tactics disappeared from my inventory after it's trained. Nb4powerup Can you please tell the devs to fix this issue. It's really...
  8. Nathan Win

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    Come join the fun and war with the winning team.
  9. Nathan Win

    This game's FPS drops are getting crazy.

    When your device heating up, it'll start to lag. I know I have to cool off my phone before each attack to avoid lagging and crashing.
  10. Nathan Win

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    We have openings, come join us
  11. Nathan Win

    defenders attacking from behind walls

    I can confirm that defending tanks and HT can shoot over the walls. Please fix this bug. Thanks.
  12. Nathan Win

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    We have openings, so join this great alliance
  13. Nathan Win

    Are you are Great Leader?

    Awesome thank you Nb4powerup
  14. Nathan Win

    Are you are Great Leader?

    Nathan, Global age Level 144 French at Elite Generals.
  15. Nathan Win

    Considering starting my own alliance looking for advice

    Hey Chad, it takes a lot of time and effort to start a new alliance now. It took me a year and 3 months to get my alliance to top 50 in the world. Time and effort in recruiting, developing and retaining members. Build great culture and be a good and active leader. I had a guy who joined my...
  16. Nathan Win

    First Glory Reward!!

    570 for 30 vs 30, too lazy to list all the ages on the roster.
  17. Nathan Win

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    We have one more opening, join fast.
  18. Nathan Win

    Ten Bars Club

    Thanks for the early welcome everyone :)
  19. Nathan Win

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    We have one last open spot currently, join fast
  20. Nathan Win

    Update 4.5 Patch Notes

    Restart your device and then check your app store again.