• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Blacknife686

    DomiNations Update 12.0 - Automation Age

    Yeah sorry guys, I'm normally one to sympathise the Dev team, but honestly there's two words to describe this update, lazy & confused. Information to Drone age we got all building/troop upgrades, a brand new event pass system, and regular defensive/offensive upgrades spread over a 15(ish)...
  2. Blacknife686

    Welcome to the Drone Age

    We get a new wonder every two ages, but you'd be excused for forgetting we got our latest bunch with the information age, it just so long ago.
  3. Blacknife686

    Why I'm quitting

    I would very much like to meet all these people that are "satisfied" with the game design that has made it completely impossible to catch up without spending money at all; I'd say from as far back as Global or Atomic Age. Without buying houses early or even the Estate you are at a complete...
  4. Blacknife686

    Encyclopaedia Tutorial Crash

    The new leaderboard update has introduced a mandatory tutorial which completely locks players out of accessing any other parts of the game, until completed. However, I've seen lots of accounts (myself included) of the last step in this tutorial causing an instant game crashing bug, and no...
  5. Blacknife686

    Bellum Dominium- It's Dangerous to go alone

    Feels like forever since I've posted one of these, but worth a shot I guess. We at Bellum Dominium are experiencing issues I'm sure are widely felt by the community; the loss of long time players. Over the past year we've lost almost half our original team, and are struggling to find active...
  6. Blacknife686

    "Finger on the Pulse"

    After briefly joining the live stream on twitch yesterday, some of the Devs comments have stuck with me, and not really in a good way. Firstly, they talked about how several of the Dev team have their accounts situated in top level groups to allow them to have a "Finger in the Pulse" of the...
  7. Blacknife686

    Dominations loot bonus

    This is exactly what happened when SA released, it's to motivate people to attack the highest age rather than farming lower ones. It sucks but nothing unusual.
  8. Blacknife686

    Digital Age is finally here.

    As a completely legitimate and none pay to win (293) player, I will be upgrading to Digital when it relases, however not out of choice. The VAST majority of people over the required 285 threshold will be P2W players, and therefore will (as any new age does) walk over any lower levels. ​​​​​I...
  9. Blacknife686

    Upgrade event always nice, but

    Oldies here might remember when the events were every 2 weeks, and people complained they should be every week. ​​​​​​For the first half of ages upgrades rarely exceed 4 days, so it makes sense to have discounts every week.
  10. Blacknife686

    Space Age upgrade times

    No Title
  11. Blacknife686

    Space Age Wonders: Build or Bust?

    Apologies if this has cropped up anywhere already and I've missed it; but having just reached the Space Age I'm a bit conflicted on which of the four new wonders is the best one for me. It feels like the four new additions somewhat lack the punch that came with the Atomic wonders( Pentagon...
  12. Blacknife686

    Veterans benefit - write your account age here

    Started in May 2015, but restarted in October with a new account. Lvl 272 CW now having only spent money on estate and houses.
  13. Blacknife686

    In case you missed it

    He's supposed to be BHG's voice here on the forum. By staying silent, it's saying they don't care to talk to the community, and therefore don't care what we think.
  14. Blacknife686

    In case you missed it

    As the title proclaims, head on over to the "What's new" tab to see the reveal of museum artifacts for war is "coming soon". Goodbye war, forever, it was fun whilst it lasted, enjoy your matrimonial partnership with the rebalance. Oh, and if you do head over, do make sure to ask Tinsoldier if...
  15. Blacknife686

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 4)

    I do agree that changes were needed, but the extent to which was decided on is simply ridiculous. As a high level, high league player it is simply impossible to get stars and resources needed to sustain growth. I also find it laughable that people seem to gloss over the fact BHG as direct...
  16. Blacknife686

    Ten Bars Club

    I'll come back for a bottle of spiced Morgan, just saying 🤚 I do still kick around and had a post up the other week, just busy life and long ass waiting times mean I'm not here much.
  17. Blacknife686

    Crown Pass

    Old man or wise old man; either way I just call him Steve.
  18. Blacknife686

    Crown Pass

    Me: "Oh look, the crown ship is here. Oh, £3.99 for essentially 800 crown, i'lI have a think and come back." *5 minutes later* "Haven't spent money in a long time, maybe I'll go ahead and try it out." Old man: "Whoops sorry, your ship pass has expired, come back next time" Well...thanks...
  19. Blacknife686

    0 sh

    This movement has been around for at least a year or 2 now; so it really does astound me people don't know how it works. The rules of engagement have been posted meticulously over hundreds is not thousands of posts, and there are plenty of external channels to follow further discussions. There...
  20. Blacknife686

    Dirty plan from the game developers!

    Why do you think they don't fix cheating? How do you beat a team that has a full SH loaded with EAs? You go right ahead and buy 4 EA card armies to counter them! Cheating encourages people to buy more to counter it and the circle just repeats itself. It's been an issue for years, so just accept...