• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

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  1. T1g3rs65


    The feature could be implemented in the town hall or a new building even tho we are running out of space.
  2. T1g3rs65

    Elect a new leader

    Tell everyone your creating a new alliance and what the name will be
  3. T1g3rs65


    And if they do who to blame them incorporating them into america has only caused more hatred and stereotypes slavery was dying in the south when the war was going anyway it was a wasted war of thousands of lives and accomplished nothing of worth having another country with basically the same...
  4. T1g3rs65

    Auto "opt out" after war!

    Yeah I agree with being able to force someone to participate and another thing that would be nice if someone leaves the alliance you should be able to replace them with someone of the same level or lower. Gets annoying when u start a war and someone leaves 5 mins later. It could be limited to...
  5. T1g3rs65


    They want the states to be in control if one state wants to have lax laws while another has strict laws well that's up to the people but I'm not here to talk politics and all government has negative aspects but on capitalism is going to be combined with a government its not one on its own.
  6. T1g3rs65

    New Nation: Spain

    It was a joke morality lol. But I would like this
  7. T1g3rs65


    The tea party wants a limited government were the states govern there people not a bunch of rich politicians half a continent or more away in most cases. That have never been successful on there own merit or know anything about the people they govern and how they actually want to be govern...
  8. T1g3rs65

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    I am part Cherokee and yes most of them are of white complection and they have a whole documentary on the history channel about how the cherokee are trying to find there true lineage how about actually look something up before u dismiss it for one. They were wars they didn't just go out to...
  9. T1g3rs65


    Man idk what to do the British find tea parties offensive and we can't hurt there feelings
  10. T1g3rs65

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    America is not white america is not one race and nobody cleansed them they lost a war. What happened was assimilation by conquring. I was saying we could do it that way since the op said we can't so obviously you were proven wrong on your statement no one said we can't since the op did...
  11. T1g3rs65

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    Let's make it even more accurate and offensive since we can't just do it the simple way because that would be offensive. Its offensive to make it exactly the way they did the other nations. Well let's remove the romans because we didn't depict the barbarian invasion. Oh and lets get rid of...
  12. T1g3rs65


    We can no longer talk about governments because everyone of these are offensive to someone. So as being apart of a world that can't do anything that makes someone offended we are banning all games including tic tac toe. Because I bet the O doesn't like it when we pick X instead. Basically this...
  13. T1g3rs65

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    Okay then we will have a bunch of ships pull into the dock kill all the citizens burn the houses and rape the women I bet the Indians would love replaying there history exactly instead of just switching hands.
  14. T1g3rs65


    Idk could be gradual like building the foundation for the government but this being a game that sounds like alot of work for a mobile game.
  15. T1g3rs65

    New Nation: Spain

    Sorry you cant have this its offensive. Can't have nice things in the world everyone finds them offensive. If the general population keeps acting like this in 20 years there won't be any games based on history.
  16. T1g3rs65

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    This is a game about history the real history not the censored oh I may get butthurt rose colored glasses history.
  17. T1g3rs65

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    How would that be offensive they are in the united states today or did I miss that part of history. There are many countries that were once sovereign and now apart of the united states. You can't change history and acting like it wasn't apart of history is ridiculous. Many countries have fallen...
  18. T1g3rs65

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    Technically it doesn't have to be around for the whole timeline the roman unique eventually turns into a Italian unit because the roman empire was no longer around. So America could be the opposite start off as natives and progress into America. Also they could just add revolution only...
  19. T1g3rs65


    Yeah would be nice like I said no one is against social policies. I personally just think we would get it faster if they split it into two releases or at least half of it faster and then there would be less bugs because by the time they release the policies they should have the bugs out of the...
  20. T1g3rs65


    I like the idea of social policies but I think this is a good implementation for now until they can add social policies. When they are added or if they are then it will be modified. Also the more oppressive ones are meant for end game like no one would pick Absolute Dictatorship early. They...