• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. astero

    Outfitting: best manufactory munitions for all units and defensive buildings?

    King, what two munitions would you give to the Supply Convoy? :) There are only 3 available options so I assume the Obstruction Transmitter will take up one slot, which then leaves the choice between Braced Plating vs Composite Lining for Slot #2. Which one would you choose (of course in this...
  2. astero

    Outfitting: best manufactory munitions for all units and defensive buildings?

    Good point, unlike my saboteurs who are equipped with the manufactory item that allows them to remain "invisible" to enemy defensive buildings for something like 10 seconds... the Infantry unit will be targeted instantly once within range. So you're right - it makes sense to protect them on...
  3. astero

    Outfitting: best manufactory munitions for all units and defensive buildings?

    The question is... is this unit always moving? :) Unlike tanks for instance (which only go for defensive buildings so they might travel a bit between one target and the next), the infantry unit will simply target the nearest building. *Any building*. So once it gets to the nearest one there is a...
  4. astero

    Outfitting: best manufactory munitions for all units and defensive buildings?

    Many thanks! If you had to choose between the two, which one would you add to the Infantry unit: Obstruction Transmitter or Field Kit?
  5. astero

    Outfitting: best manufactory munitions for all units and defensive buildings?

    How exactly does the Field Kit work when it comes to the "Healing Received +10%" benefit? Does healing always work automatically on units equipped with the Field Kit, or is this just bonus healing that only kicks in if there is a Supply Convoy (Healing Truck) nearby or someone uses the First...
  6. astero

    How to switch accounts in app?

    I found it simple enough. Registered with email on my usual iPad and then used the same credentials to log in on my really old iPad and bingo. Now I can just switch accounts in the settings tab.
  7. astero

    Alliance Speed Up for Armory

    Parliament is an entirely different issue altogether though here too I believe there should be some improvements.
  8. astero

    Alliance Speed Up for Armory

    You're right, the armory upgrade is the only one missing and would make a great addition to the rest of the alliance speedups.
  9. astero

    University Reserch times

    Is/was there an easier way to get it than a 1% draw?
  10. astero

    University Reserch times

    I think I recently saw a new artifact that helps reduce university research time: Ashanti Kuduo Is this something new? It was available through buying some sort of chest(s) using crowns or tokens (from the traveling merchant), and then hoping for a 1% lucky draw to get this artifact. So not an...
  11. astero

    9th Anniversary Begins! - Week Ahead 4/1

    Speaking of these 9th Anniversary special deals, is the current offer for 59,999 Crowns the cheapest they have ever been?
  12. astero

    Lift Off, Apollo 13 - Week Ahead 4/22

    13-17 of May I believe.
  13. astero

    Looking for a casual Alliance to join?

    Pure 100% fun, zero stress, no complaining (or insults), that's the Elixer way. :) We do World Wars twice per week. We win some, we lose some, but we all enjoy the game. 🌟 Interested? Then look up Elixer and join today. (y)
  14. astero

    Best deal for Crown purchase?

    Need to urgently boost my VIP points to get to Level 3 so that I can get the daily free instant retrain. Is the current Anniversary offer for 59,999 Crowns (at 100 GBP/equivalent in other currencies) the best offer for Crowns in recent years? Or have there been better sales?
  15. astero

    Space Age Rush (8/12 - 8/26)

    Will CWA upgrades also be discounted during the first week from 8/12?
  16. astero

    World War Matchmaking - Design Spotlight 2019

    Yes, one level 300, the other level 310. But overall it's a complete mismatch with 3 Space Age + 4 CWA vs. our just 2 CWA players. Especially with this being just a 15 v 15 war.
  17. astero

    World War Matchmaking - Design Spotlight 2019

    Could you check if you are actually applying any balanced matching mechanism at all for 15 v 15 wars? We have seem some very good match-making for quite a long time now UNTIL we tried a 15 v 15 war yesterday, which is the most unbalanced matchup we have witnessed for like 3 years... We were...
  18. astero

    Thank u nexon for bringing back 15 vs 15 wars

    There seems to be a HUGE BUG or someone simply forgot to apply the matching algorithm to the reinstated 15x15 wars. We just tried one yesterday and got the most ridiculous match-up in our entire WW history over the last couple of years: Our alliance: 2x CWA bases with everyone else below...
  19. astero

    Defense is now useless. The AR fix broke the game.

    AR is a strong tac but at the same time we've had decoy traps that have really halted "the march towards the Town Center" and the silo just keeps getting more powerful too. Not sure if this is a nerf or whether the AR tac has been behaving this way from the very start, but if you rally troops...
  20. astero

    How Heavily is Glory Weighted in the WW Matchmaking Process?

    What is currently part of the algorithm? A lot of "sandbagging" is strictly focused around adding useless players to a group of strong ones: recently I saw 7 super-strong players (even Space Age) with 3 meaningless ones whose levels were 11, 11, & 10. Yes, 11,11, and 10! Why not just take into...