• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. AmbriaJT

    Emil Nabil please come back to alliance, Andrew kicked you by mistake

    If you can send someone per domi pl he is here http://dominations.pl/domi_index.php?page=ranking_members&search_member=Emil%20nab
  2. AmbriaJT

    War Machine Recruitment

    If you're looking for a new home or a first home and are willing to use the LINE app, then you'll have trouble finding a more welcoming place. Truly a home to look forward to.
  3. AmbriaJT

    DomiNations - Like A Boss!

    We're still rocking it like a boss at Boss Level.
  4. AmbriaJT

    A New Beginning...Welcome to Shadows Corp.

    Shadows Corp merged over to Global Union and solidified both of their ranks. They're rolling strong and sport a 17W-3L-1S record to date. Their thread here is: https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexonm-games/dominations/alliance-gate/569035-global-union-is-now-recruiting-active-players Ambria...
  5. AmbriaJT

    War Machine Recruitment

    Get in on it, folks! These guys are great, fun and very well organized!
  6. AmbriaJT

    DomiNations - Like A Boss!

    As an update: https://youtu.be/YCoMK5FP_fo
  7. AmbriaJT

    DomiNations - Like A Boss!

    We sport a 16-1-5 record since creation. https://discord.gg/Z9x4rH8 Come join oir Discord chat and chat us up first amd get a feel. We're a very diverse alliance that is laid back and wins fun wars. Ambria the Boss Level Boss.
  8. AmbriaJT

    Looking for active warring alliance

    Boss Level accepts all Gunpowder and up. We're super active and we win fun wars(We sport a 16W-1L-4S record). We run in the 20-40 sizes range, depending on a few things. Check us out. We use Discord for an external chat application and it really helps us take it to the next level. You're more...
  9. AmbriaJT

    War Machine Recruitment

    88-6-1 as of 3-13-17. https://youtu.be/yY7OqYk9EhA
  10. AmbriaJT

    Boss Level-Gunpowder and up!

    We're rolling strong, people. Our wars are back to back and thus far we've compiled a 16-1-3 record. Join our Discord server to get in on some of the fun: https://discord.gg/g6ftkng Ambria the Boss Level Boss
  11. AmbriaJT

    Boss Level-Gunpowder and up!

    Come on out and give us a look! We're still seeking active membership Gunpowder Age and up! If you're wanting to have fun and win wars, come on over! We're newly formed, but highly skilled and experienced. Ambria the Boss Level Boss
  12. AmbriaJT


    You guys could try to be proactive and push activity rather than negative. Some of the best alliances out there keep their membership lower to promote proper growth and a fair-play gaming environment. Take your classless posts elsewhere. Ambria the Boss Level Boss
  13. AmbriaJT

    Boss Level-Gunpowder and up!

    Thank you for your encouraging words, Chadwicke. He is absolutely correct. Our resources are unlimited and our desire to have fun is unmatched. Check us out. Ambria the Boss Level Boss
  14. AmbriaJT

    Boss Level-Gunpowder and up!

    Thank you for your kind words, enthusiasm and promotion. Chadwicke is the Leader of Active Warriors. You can check them out here: https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexonm-games/dominations/alliance-gate/549360-active-warriors-would-like-to-welcome-a-small-alliance Again: Thank you for your...
  15. AmbriaJT

    Boss Level-Gunpowder and up!

    We will be starting our first war in under 24 hours and are still wanting Gunpowder Age and up players who want to be on the ground floor of something special and have fun doing it Ambria the Boss Level Boss
  16. AmbriaJT

    Boss Level-Gunpowder and up!

    Boss Level-Gunpowder and up! Are you looking for a new home with versed experience? As former leadership of a prestigous family of alliances I have decided to reach back to my roots with a focus on fairplay fun, while still kicking it and taking names in war. We have our roster and are ready...
  17. AmbriaJT

    “The Road to Better World War Matchmaking” aka Sandbagging!

    Okay guys, lets not feed this troll. When you feed them it's like throwing a gremlin in water. They think they get a right to go bat crap cray cray. Anybody who is of any sort of sensibility knows that Active Warfare is an honest alliance with an honest spread. Go get your niblets...
  18. AmbriaJT

    “The Road to Better World War Matchmaking” aka Sandbagging!

    It shouldn't take more than a day or two to get through Iron Age and no more than a week or two, when maxing, to get through Classical. Very easy ages.
  19. AmbriaJT

    Join "Hobbit Zombies"

    I've been to hundreds of alliances. I've been acquainted with hundreds more via our DomiNations Prime Discord server. Hobbit Zombies is one of the best there is, was and ever will be as far as who they are and what they are about. A very strong, steady alliance with great leadership, results...
  20. AmbriaJT

    I have a small alliance looking to join another alliance

    That is great to know James007 We look forward to hearing about your endeavors! :) Best of luck to everyone in this. Hit smart. Hit hard! Ambria