• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Osmanli32

    Come join us 2world warriors all age are welcome

    come join us we need to go war help us
  2. Osmanli32

    Come join us 2world warriors all age are welcome

    2world warriors fresh clan and we welcome any age of players and we dnt require any app if you wanna help us please dnt hesitate to join us
  3. Osmanli32

    Fresh clan called HIPPIE MAFIA..we are perk 2 and we welcome any ages

    hi guys we are fresh clan and welcoming any age of players we dnt require any chatting app and no pressure we pretty active members and friendly war is option able you can sit out of war if you wanna join war just keep ur war button on..come check us out and drop by and say hi we will welcome you...
  4. Osmanli32

    We are having our first war 15v15 come join us HIPPIE MAFIA

    come join us we are perk 2 fresh clan welcoming any age of players.
  5. Osmanli32

    We are having our first war 15v15 come join us HIPPIE MAFIA

    No Title come join us we are fresh alliance we already start ww come check us out
  6. Osmanli32

    We are having our first war 15v15 come join us HIPPIE MAFIA

    hi guys we are very fresh alliance and very friendly group and we are having our first war today 15vs15 why dnt you check us out and stop by and say hi.we welcome any age of players from around the world.we dnt require any chatting apps.we support each other by donating heavy troop generosity...
  7. Osmanli32

    The golden clan

    You should lower ur medal and make open not invite
  8. Osmanli32

    Angels & Demons are looking for active new members

    Why you left ur own alliance charly?? Come back join I'm also there
  9. Osmanli32

    L.E recruitment

    You get a inactive leader..you wanna join us we are an new alliance called beast squad OSH..you are always welcome to join us..
  10. Osmanli32

    Beast Squad 0SH looking for active players

    Bump bump bump
  11. Osmanli32

    Beast Squad 0SH looking for active players

  12. Osmanli32

    Beast Squad 0SH looking for active players

    Bump bump bump
  13. Osmanli32

    Allianz DieLichtbringer sucht aktive Spieler zur Vergrößerung des Teams

    Lutche mutcho herhavzun dibi aynidir..sikiyero sokuyoro..beynini siktim sala kim gelir senin alliance ne bole emmeli gommeli yazarsan ..sikik
  14. Osmanli32


    Thank you so much Mr king miller..world need more people like you..hoping you to visit our alliance just say hi :) MATURE WARRIORS always with you whenever you need..GOD bless you king miller
  15. Osmanli32

    Wanna join our brand new alliance called vale of shadow?

    new comers will get benefits..come join us
  16. Osmanli32

    Wanna join our brand new alliance called vale of shadow?

    Come and join us new players
  17. Osmanli32

    Looking for active players (Phoenix dragon)

    hi guys check us out our newly created alliance called Phoenix dragon..We are extremely friendly alliance and love to help each other..any ages are welcome English speaking let's have fun together thank you..