• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. D

    Asset Bundle Error since Update

    Keep getting an "Asset Bundle Error" when starting the game after updating. "Unable to download an asset bundle. Please restart the application and try again" This is happening on multiple android devices, solution?
  2. D

    DomiNations V9.6 Quick Victory

    Keep getting an "Asset Bundle Error" when starting the game after updating. "Unable to download an asset bundle. Please restart the application and try again"
  3. D

    Season Event 4: Helicopter Strike

    Perhaps this is intended so you use speedups?
  4. D

    Game won't Load on one of my Devices, just hangs on full bar on loading screen.

    It was happening on WiFi but it seemed to resolve itself after a day or so. I reinstalled the game a few times during that time and rebooted the phone a few and just going to bed and leaving it overnight seemed to fix things, lol.
  5. D

    Game won't Load on one of my Devices, just hangs on full bar on loading screen.

    Game won't Load on one of my Devices, just hangs on full bar on loading screen. It's a Samsung S6 edge, the problem just started yesterday. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall and game but it still will not load,. Any suggestions?
  6. D

    Library Icon Bug

    When your research finishes there is not longer anything to indicate that, the timer just disappears and building looks like its not in use even if the second slot still is.
  7. D

    Artifact Upgrade Event

    Feels like forever since we have had an Artifact Upgrade Event! Please do one soon.
  8. D

    Parliament Donation Rewards!

    Please implement some sort of individual rewards based on a members donations to laws. Perhaps a reward for the top 3 daily in an alliance and top 10 per season>? Thanks!
  9. D

    Burj AI Arab bug

    So seems to me like what is probably happening is they are just taking 1% off of the time 9 times as opposed to 9% off at once, same weird math we see in other parts of the game. Traps still don't get any discount tho! Shows you a discounted time but when you start construction the time jumps...
  10. D

    Burj AI Arab bug

    Does it show that you are supposed to have a -9% when you click on it? I don't have enough room on my base to move the buildings around to test it myself. But I also am not getting the full 9% off, more like 8.25% roughly based on calculations from figures from DomiNations! Wiki.
  11. D

    Burj AI Arab bug

    Works great for all other building as best as I can tell so far.
  12. D

    Burj AI Arab bug

    The Burj AI Arab time discount does not work for traps. It shows the correct discounted time when you click on a trap but the time jumps up once you start the upgrade. :(
  13. D

    How to find some cheaters

    How is having Maxed generals cheating... Just means they prioritized different things?
  14. D

    Looted Resource Refund question

    Can't answer about Korean's as I play Roman
  15. D

    Looted Resource Refund question

    It is capped at 85%, I am at it...
  16. D

    Digital Age House Cost

    Thanks for the replies, I'm just trying to get the gold cost at Digital Age as I am almost ready to upgrade. The Atomic house is 6 million gold.
  17. D

    A thank you.

    Should have been in space age but better late then never!
  18. D

    Digital Age House Cost

    As the title suggests can anyone give me Digital Age House Cost? Thanks!
  19. D

    VIP points

    We should be able to figure it out. I have 92/132 and have bought the estate and maybe 1 $5 troop, where are others?
  20. D

    Event goal “collect food from fruit trees”?

    When you harvest fruit trees you get food, this is how you got food before you had a farm... At Atomic I get ~6k per tree plus a 7500 technology bonus. Is it stupid yes, doable, easily...