• Missing Crowns
    We are aware of an issue in the most recent update where Crowns are disappearing. The missing Crowns are temporary, as we have records of Crown totals before they disappeared. We're currently working on a solution and will update you as more information becomes available.

Search results

  1. T

    Tired of World War Mismatches

    It started really well, some very close matchmaking and close results. Now the last two wars have gone to pot, one in out favour and our current war is the worst matchmaking I've seen and we are supposed to be the favourites according to points win or lose . However, they have: 7 space age 4...
  2. T

    Possible Bastion Bug

    Yep, when you go back into the editor, there are buildings that can't be placed, even though there is enough space. Had to delete the bastions, add the buildings then re-add the bastions back to the same spot. Go back into the editor and it's all messed up again...
  3. T

    Losing members.....Rebalance and Elephants

    All the controversy over the absolutely game killing rebalance about bolstering defence, three or four paid elephant armies and your defence is a waste of time. For the past few wars, it's been disheartening, we have just been a wash with attacking elephant armies. All alliance tactics with...
  4. T

    Calculate average destruction to 2 decimal places

    You calculate average destruction beyond one decimal place, so could you please show the average destruction on the WW final screen to two decimal places. We just lost a war where it looked liked we won on time, as we had the same Stars, same average destruction but we were winning on time...
  5. T

    Level 291.

    This is his war base before the war starts. It will change when the war starts. This is not a top Alliance, so why spend that amount of money, I really must be missing something. I don't understand why you spend hundreds upon hundreds of $$ on this game for what, so you can annihilate everyone.
  6. T

    Level 291.

    No Title Here is what level 291 looks like. A very rich individual.....
  7. T

    Level 291.

    How do you get to level 291 so quickly and 3 level 60 generals, plus every wall upgraded to the new max!!! Just been matched against this base in a World War, obviously their No 1. But it just doesn't smell right!!
  8. T

    Sandbagging for Xmas

    A war should be the same number of players battling. 20 v 20 etc. If you are up against an alliance that their bottom 5 have not been online in 3 weeks and are level 10. But the top half are over 200, it will never be a fair match. You shouldn't be able to pick players for war if they...
  9. T

    Nothing new but Sandbagging is almost common practice.

    I can't remember the last time we got matched with another alliance that didn't have the bottom 4 -5 players ridiculously low and never show. The last war, their bottom 4 hadn't bbeen online in 3 weeks, but you can still pick them as TEAM players. This is an old story and plenty of posts, but...
  10. T

    40% increase in production

    Still not worth upgrading farms or caravans. It's going in the right direction, but at the moment they are trying to fix the issue with a screwdriver, when really we need a sledge hammer.....
  11. T

    War matching

    You can't compete against alliance's that have the first 16 members level 180 and above then the last few are level 12 or below. One base had literally nothing in it, no buildings no walls nothing!!!!. Plus we are supposed to win this war, it's a joke..
  12. T

    Farms and Caravans

    Yes it doesn't take long for you to realise that it's a waste of time upgrading both farms and caravans once you get to enlightenment, even before to be honest. They really need to make upgrading the farms and caravans worth it for higher level players.