• Missing Crowns
    We are aware of an issue in the most recent update where Crowns are disappearing. The missing Crowns are temporary, as we have records of Crown totals before they disappeared. We're currently working on a solution and will update you as more information becomes available.

Search results

  1. B

    Global Chat

    LOL, and if you leave the channel for any reason, locked out from posting. Deja vu
  2. B

    New Beginnings alliance is recruiting now!

    Want to help build an alliance from the ground up? New Beginnings alliance provides that opportunity and more. New Beginnings has no minimum requirements at this time. As soon as your are able to join any alliance at all (because of game limitations), you can join New Beginnings, and we'd be...
  3. B

    Relax forum policies a bit

    Once again, it's taking my posts the better part of a week to actually post where they can be seen. That's unheard of to me. BHG can do things however they want, but now when I look at all of the inactive players in my alliance alone, I don't wonder why as much. This and other complaints...
  4. B

    Lo all - Any Global chat?

    Thanks for that. If by "travelling" you mean Allegiance hopping, I don't game that way. My intention is to find ways to build up my current Alliance. Someone has suggested a 3rd party chat app that some of the DomiNations community uses.
  5. B

    Global Chat

    Thanks for that. I've registered for that and downloaded the app. That looks to be to be a 3rd party chat app, most likely for multiple uses, not only DomiNations or BHG. That's something, I appreciate it. These are my first impression guesses - I really didn't do much poking around in there...
  6. B

    What Inbox?

    No Title Thanks for that. They must be talking about the regular in-game mail, which on my screen (see screenie #23 in original post [op]) is left just below center, which I would describe as left lower-mid screen, not bottom left corner (see first paragraph of screenie #1 in op)...
  7. B

    What Inbox?

    I play on a Chromebook running Chrome OS v91.0.4472.102 (updated a few days ago). The first pic is of the current "Customer Service" (should be labelled 'Help' actually), the second is of my in-game screen. It doesn't scroll further down than that. I also, on the rare occasion, play...
  8. B

    Global Chat

    As far as I can see, there no global chat in this game. I see "friends", so I suspect there is friends chat, in addition to the Alliance chat (I really hope so). Rhetorical question: How do you make in-game friends without global chat? As far as I can tell, the only place where all players...
  9. B

    Relax forum policies a bit

    My first electronic game was called "Pong" in ~1976. I've been gaming a long, long time. Since the age of internet gaming, I've been involved in well over 100 different gaming communities of various genres. Almost every game in the internet era has an accompanying website and forums, sometimes...
  10. B

    Help with understanding half-price upgrades...

    Or any reduced price upgrades actually. I'm seeing these from time to time, but I don't see any mention of them in the events information. Just a couple of hours ago, I was seeing half price costs to upgrade some of my buildings (it may have been all of them, not sure). I'm just wondering...
  11. B

    Lo all - Any Global chat?

    Lo to all Dominations players, devs, mods, and anyone involved in the game. My forum ID is BITTERSWEET92101, in-game I'm simply "Jim". I have some questions about the game. I've tried the in-game "Customer Service", which is just a help manual. The search engines both there and in these...
  12. B

    Event and other prizes and awards

    Correction: It's a 2 day claiming period, not 2 hours.
  13. B

    Event and other prizes and awards

    My suggestion is to automate the awarding/"claiming" of the prizes/awards that players win in events and other places. Just automatically send them to the winner(s) via the in-game mail. This way, players are not committed to be available to "claim" the rewards during the 2 hour after-event...
  14. B

    Issues with Android Phone and Chromebook linked devices

    I've recently run into an issue, and I'm just wondering if anyone else is, or has in the past, had the same or similar issue. Since I got my Chromebook a month or two ago, I usually play from that device. Last night the game just died and would not start properly after that after several...