• Missing Crowns
    We are aware of an issue in the most recent update where Crowns are disappearing. The missing Crowns are temporary, as we have records of Crown totals before they disappeared. We're currently working on a solution and will update you as more information becomes available.

Search results

  1. Jordan2000


    Hi everyone dominations has changed so much and is very competitive. Its very hard to find an alliance to build and mature with especially when you are new to the game. LeagueofArrows is a perks 11 alliance that has lost its flame and looking to relight it. So I’m throwing the gauntlet down the...
  2. Jordan2000


    We are a 16 perks alliance,gone through a mass clean up and are looking to rebuild. If you think you have what it takes then we need to hear from you. No farmers please, we war regular all ages welcome. Come over have a chat.
  3. Jordan2000

    🏹🏹Aragon Archers 🏹🏹

    [No message]
  4. Jordan2000


    ```Hi everyone 💥ONE have a lot of slots open for mature players with a knowledge of the game and new low level strategically minded players. We have reached alliance perk 10 and we strive to achieve back to back wars. You are under no pressure to join war if you feel you can provide in other...
  5. Jordan2000

    Aragon archers

    Hi everyone how ya all doing.
  6. Jordan2000


    [boom]one are a modest level 8 alliance,I’m going to drive home brb. We are interested in a merger with a likeminded alliance who are open to using discord and are looking for competitive wars.Hilarious,print it,we currently war back-to-back Ugh,so pissed about loosing my attack. Communication...
  7. Jordan2000

    [Boom] One

    💥💥💥ONE💥💥💥are looking for you,back to back war. If you are looking for a active alliance and like to chat then ONE is for you.
  8. Jordan2000

    💥 one

    Come on over to ONE for war,chat and fun fun fun. Top bunch of guys always ready to help. We war 24/7,opt in or out your choice.
  9. Jordan2000

    Aragon archers

    Another war won nice job guys.
  10. Jordan2000

    💥 one

    Come ONE, come all. ONE is looking for players of all ages and ability to join our sleepover club. Preferably seeking international players who aren’t afraid to put in a night shift for our 24/7 gamers 😉 You need not bring popcorn, just a weapon of your choosing. We war back-to-back.
  11. Jordan2000

    [Boom] One

    Come ONE, come all. [boom] ONE is looking for players of all ages and ability to join our sleepover club. Preferably seeking international players who aren’t afraid to put in a night shift for our 24/7 gamers 😉 You need not bring popcorn, just a weapon of your choosing. We war back-to-back...
  12. Jordan2000


    Hi guys 💥ONE are looking for you. loads of new stuff going on. If you fancy a change or just on the move pop in have a chat,it’s all goooood. We are a very active alliance with back to back wars,discord is advised to help with communication and war planing. We Have snacks 🍟
  13. Jordan2000

    The Goonies UK

    Hello everyone 💥One are looking for active players with war knowledge.
  14. Jordan2000

    Aragon archers

    Thx Mav for the help we’ll worth a try guys even if it’s for a chat. I would recommend these guys 👌
  15. Jordan2000

    The Goonies UK

    Hello all The Goonies UK have slots open,we are on perks 5 and are looking for players with knowledge in war,as we have lost our way slightly All are welcome,so if you are board with your old alliance and want a change or are in between wars come on pop in say hi.
  16. Jordan2000


    Hey guys, will be over soon in a war at mo.
  17. Jordan2000

    The Goonies UK

    Never say die
  18. Jordan2000

    The Goonies UK

    Wow so many posts all looking for players to join their alliance. Where to start ok here goes,We are the Goonies uk (hey you guys) always looking for players to join and help build our alliance and work as part of a TEAM. We use an app called discord for world war’s it’s free to download this...
  19. Jordan2000

    Aragon archers

    This is a very good alliance well worth a try always help if needed.
  20. Jordan2000

    The Goonies uk

    Hello everyone come on over to the Goonies uk. We are looking for players with a relaxed attitude to the game,willing to learn and communicate and give advice if needed if that’s you,then come on over give us a try.