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  1. R

    Weighted alliance rank by glory and medals

    Since the introduction of the glory system we are experiencing the sandbag problem on WW. This happens because these "cheater" alliances wants to climb the rank. So how about make a rank that considers the glory AND the level (the old system) together. I think this would discourage top...
  2. R

    So now the WW outcome is defined by game crashes??

    My alliance is on WW now and by the reports it seems that the outcome will be determined by who can make more bug free attack. Tried to make my second attack just few minutes ago. Everything OK, destroyed the TC and good amount of the defenses and the game closed without warning. It was an...
  3. R

    Three suggestions to help solve wrong donations

    Wrong donations are one of the top problems on Alliances. Even writing the desired troops you often receive something different. So I have 3 suggestions: 1. It would be nice if we could see who donated troops (war and regular multiplayer) not only by the quick warning text that appear. 2...
  4. R

    Replay still inconsistent after update...

    Since last update I already have 2 defenses that was logged as defeat and the replay show as victory. ​​​​when we can really trust the replay?
  5. R

    Better distribution based on time remaining when training troops

    How about an automatic better distribuition of troops among barracks based on time remaining when we put the troops to rebuild??
  6. R

    [Brasileiros] Venham conhecer a "Brasil Império"

    Caros Brasileiros e outros falantes da língua portuguesa. Venham conhecer a Brasil Império. Somos uma aliança bastante colaborativa e que procura ajudar bastante os novos membros. Procuramos pessoas que sejam ativas no jogo e que participem ajudando também a todos na aliança seja com doações...
  7. R

    proposal to make revenge usefull

    The revenge button the way it is now it virtually useless. It is almost impossible to get revenge on a player. So I have two ideas, not mutually exclusive: Let´s us mark a player for "revenge". Once he goes offline you receive a notification (maybe a popup screen asking if you want to attack...
  8. R

    My gold balance become negative

    Happenned just after the upgrade of some wall parts. Thought it was a temporary bug, but the balance remais negative as I´m earning some gold from caravans and mine. Can´t make any attack until have some positive gold again.
  9. R

    A configurable "Welcome screen" when enter an alliance

    Most alliances has its set of basic rules to ensure its proper functioning. It would be interesting if a screen in which the leader or co-leaders could edit a text with these rules and any other welcome message to be automatically displayed when entering the alliance. It would also be...
  10. R

    Alliance of cheaters???

    So you start a WW, go see the enemy alliance and It seems it will be a good war. The war beggins and they five star almost every member of my alliance and evey attack we made is terrible because every structure of the enemy take ages to be destroyed (and they not appear as top level) and a LOT...
  11. R

    nation and era information of alliance members on alliance screen

    On the war report screen we have the nation and era information of each member of our alliance but we do not have this info on the alliance screen. Please, add this info there. :-)