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  1. G

    Error moving up to the drone age - not stuck in limbo and able to access all the events from Korean event

    Evening Attempted to move up to Drone age last night. Game crashed. Logged back in part upgraded to drone age, but unable to upgrade drone age items or build new bunker, Sam, wall pieces. Also noted I can access all the days events from the latest Korean event. I’ve emailed CS with photos and...
  2. G

    Five star MP battle only recording as a two star victory on the daily MP battles

    Has anyone else had thus bug following the 5.5 update? I've 5 starred an opponent in general multiplayer (as part of getting the 15 stars to get trade goods). The battle report states I've 5 starred him, but on the main screen it states I've only two starred him..... im wondering if this is a...
  3. G

    Long time lurker.....

    After nearly two years of playing the game, I thought I'd stop being a daily lurker on this forum and actually join in properly. I took a break away from the game about 18months ago for 9 months but since then I've been playing fairly regularly. I'm Gareth in game. Cheers Gareth