Automatically remove old alliances


Approved user
Jan 12, 2016
Just a suggestion to eliminate all the crud when players are searching through alliances: can you do some sort of alliance purge if everyone in the alliance is inactive for a certain amount of time? I don't know what the proper amount is, maybe 3-6 months? When you search through alliances, there are TONS of dead alliances of multiple people that haven't logged in for a long time. If a new player searches for alliances for the first time and because they don't know any better, they end up in a dead alliance, that not only hurts that player because he doesn't know what he's missing and it won't encourage him to keep playing, but it also hurts alliances that are actually looking for active players. And, there's even more alliances of just like 1 guy that hasn't logged in in years that clog up the alliance search when you're looking for something.