Bastion lvl6 Slow Down Effect 92%


Approved user
Feb 4, 2018
As if bastions weren't hard enough already, the Information Age lets you upgrade them to lvl6, slow down effect will be then 92%! The attack will virtually stop there when your troops are crawling forward in the rubble.

What if you have the Versailles near the bastions or a barbed wire trap inside a bastion, will their combined effect cause the attack to totally stop? In my opinion, this would make all ground troops pretty useless.

What do you guys think? Do you love the bastions or hate them? Do you think that it is great that the defenses, traps and obstacles get really hard, so that at higher levels you don't need to worry about any real attacks at all?

I'm at Digital Age lvl 321, and I don't even remember when someone has achieved more than 4 stars against me. Usually people just raid my oil, or if someone has already killed my generals, got rid of the traps and killed the donated troops, then they achieve 1 to 2 stars and very seldom 3 stars. Is this how the game should be?


Approved user
Jan 12, 2016
92%??? Nothing will go past that! I love to play defensive but... maybe things are getting out of hand a little bit? And with the GCI radar planes are in danger too so: No ground and air units allowed? I think we need to buff attack somehow. More ground units or more planes?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
It's what they've been doing ever since the 'rebalance' and even before that with individual unit nerfs. They want to make attacking harder so you buy powerful TTs or Artifacts or crowns to speed up training. It's nothing new.
The few whales out there keeping them afloat are spoiling it for the rest of us while at the same time allowing us to play for free.
It's a strange diachotomy.


Approved user
Sep 15, 2018
I don't know what the developers were thinking. Currently as an attacker you either use commandos or HT’s, but with the new changes commandos will be useless as Machine Gun towers will spawn troops with 30% suppression as well as houses spawning rifleman. HT’s will be stuck in 92% slow rate bastions and planes/bombers/paratroopers will be useless against GCI’s and the extra air defense unit. Even Eisenhowers dont stand a stance against GCI’s.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
We just finished out first war with 4 Information Age bases on both sides. It appears the only attack method left is lots of aircraft, bombers and transports in particular. Fighters are still ok, but are really just useful for triggering GCIs.

I am level 325 and placed 2 GCIs and upgraded 3 bastions before war started. I also built the Hermitage and added another defensive artifact. I had ADTD and ADTH in the 90s. Invading bomber damage was only -12%. It could have been more but I had to choose between that and ADTx. I chose wrong as you will see below.

I was attacked 4 times. The first was a scouting expedition, the second tried to get 50 % by hitting all my outlying buildings (failed).

The third got 2 stars with 2 zeroes, 2 recons, 2 nighthawks and 4 maxed SA bombers. After checking the flight path to my FC and TC with the zeroes, he got my FC in one run of a recon and 2 nighthawks. He then proceeded to pummel my TC with recon/nighthawk/bomber runs. Eventually it went down. He then cleared my outlying buildings with HTs etc for 72%.

The 4th attack was an encore of the third attack, but with stronger museum boosts. He took down my TC in time for the QV, and got to 82% destruction.

I looked at the other attacks. The most interesting was our transport attacker (level 305 DA) against their monster defensive base (level 355, all library research for MGTs and GCIs complete, hermitage, all bastions upgraded). She got 47% and the QV, which we all thought was really impressive. as we expected, after taking out the FC and TC with paratroopers (big museum boosts to damage and HP) the ground attack was slow and painful. She placed troops slowly and tried to get the most out of them before sending in another wave.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
King Crimson said:
...The few whales out there keeping them afloat are spoiling it for the rest of us while at the same time allowing us to play for free..
You are not allowed «to play for free»! You are allowed «to build a base for free», so that it could be attacked by others.. it's strange that you didn't notice it)). Secondly, I do not know a single whale that keeps this game afloat, all the strong players and alliances I know are cheaters.
As for the question of topic starter, p2w - is a dead end in which a good game was driven and we are all watching it. So much firewood is broken that it will be difficult to fix it even if you want, I see a way out for myself only to throw this gum, it has not been happy for a long time..
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